We need nuns..... Lots of nuns...
The Clares are a group of nunnerys spread around the UK that house nuns. Theres quite a few it turns out this one was too big for the dewindling number of nuns that were living there not being able to afford the rent and all the Sky boxes in every bedroom or whatever the nuns packed up there part-time stripper selfs and moved in with a load of other nun folk in Devon.
The order was founded by St Francis of Assisi and St Claire in the 13th century, this place was opened in 1860.
Was a lovely relaxed explore, me and Sammy had tried a similar closed now nunnery a warl back in York. Same deal the nuns upped sticks and moved. Only problem was they moved pretty much nextdoor in the same ground que me and Sammy not knowing this coming round the corner greeted by about 3 nuns laid down reading there books in the garden
The chapel thing is the best bit still got all the Gold, jewels and sheeeeet' still stuck in the centre of the altar! I asked my GF (Shes went to a Catholic school) what is behind them shiny doors? Thinking it must be good to make the door from Gold, brass and Jewels. It turns out they keep that special bread wafer things and the wine in there! You lock bread up with a Golden Jewely door? Id be stacking the bread wafers round the gold to protect it not the other way round!
Above: Gold, Jewely and sheeet'
Its pretty empty but is completely untrashed, pikied etc..... Long may it stay that way!
Thats it thank you!
We need nuns..... Lots of nuns...
The Clares are a group of nunnerys spread around the UK that house nuns. Theres quite a few it turns out this one was too big for the dewindling number of nuns that were living there not being able to afford the rent and all the Sky boxes in every bedroom or whatever the nuns packed up there part-time stripper selfs and moved in with a load of other nun folk in Devon.
The order was founded by St Francis of Assisi and St Claire in the 13th century, this place was opened in 1860.
Was a lovely relaxed explore, me and Sammy had tried a similar closed now nunnery a warl back in York. Same deal the nuns upped sticks and moved. Only problem was they moved pretty much nextdoor in the same ground que me and Sammy not knowing this coming round the corner greeted by about 3 nuns laid down reading there books in the garden

The chapel thing is the best bit still got all the Gold, jewels and sheeeeet' still stuck in the centre of the altar! I asked my GF (Shes went to a Catholic school) what is behind them shiny doors? Thinking it must be good to make the door from Gold, brass and Jewels. It turns out they keep that special bread wafer things and the wine in there! You lock bread up with a Golden Jewely door? Id be stacking the bread wafers round the gold to protect it not the other way round!
Above: Gold, Jewely and sheeet'
Its pretty empty but is completely untrashed, pikied etc..... Long may it stay that way!
Thats it thank you!