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Report - - Predannack Airfield, Cornwall, August 2020 | Military Sites |

Report - Predannack Airfield, Cornwall, August 2020

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Predannack has, as we all know, been done to death. However, I thought I'd best chuck a few pics up as I've not done a report for a while.

Obligatory Wiki copy and paste:
"Predannack Airfield is routinely used for training purposes by helicopters from the Royal Navy. RNAS Culdrose is the Aerodrome Operator and responsible for actively managing and running the satellite airfield.[5]
It is also the practice base of Royal Naval School of Flight Deck Operations, which has a number of dummy aircraft for fire extinguishing practice, and a number of retired airframes for aircraft crash rescue practice, including a Westland Wessex, an English Electric Canberra and two Hawker Siddeley Harriers."

We visited on a scorching summers day in August. Traipsed in through the back, the boundary fence was bent over so it was easy to "miss" and gain access. Had a fairly good look around outside and inside many of the planes there, I've added just a few of the photos of what we saw, mostly just the outside pictures.






Oh, and the "Toilet shot", because its rare to do an explore and find an intact toilet - though I'm not too sure I'd like to have used it as there appeared to be no privacy provided!







Unfortunately at this point we had a visit from security asking us how we got in and telling us to leave. They were friendly enough, but I guess they're just doing their job and we did as they asked. Little disappointed as we knew there was stuff we had missed, but at least we had spent well over an hour there exploring and taking pictures.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Great report. When I went some years ago there was no fence what so ever.

XandA Urbex

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
You can walk right in from the adjacent public bridleway. I went today.

Would love to come with ya guys !!! My teams a bit all over the place with work.

Insta- theurbanlegends2021
Facebook- TheUrbanLegends


Hello Officer
28DL Full Member
Predannack has, as we all know, been done to death. However, I thought I'd best chuck a few pics up as I've not done a report for a while.
I always like to see another report as I have never managed to get in, caught three times! You have some really nice shots there.

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