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Report - Principal (former Refuge Assurance/Palace Hotel), Basement Goodies - 2017

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Principal (former Refuge Assurance/Palace Hotel) - Basement Goodies


Originally the Refuge Assurance Building, this place will always be the Palace Hotel to many of us ♥

What a playground it's been over the years, some of us actually managed to make it past the bar and wear the t-shirt :rolleyes:

Back in the day I always wanted the clock tower after seeing pics from when Scott first bossed it

After many a failed trip here, I remember Sneak making it a personal mission night and day with no luck to eventually get up here

Soon after we took advantage of a right faff of a way up and was as chuffed as a puff with a bag of dicks stood up that tower looking out

Dem good old day's


Credit where it's due, even if you knew where the knives were I could never make good use of them, I'm sure one day Mr B. will enlighten us!

Over the years I've lost count of the times I've spent poking about the Palace, we've had birthday parties and all manner of goonage go off here


As far as buildings go in Manchester it's architecturally top of the pops



The views aren't bad either looking out from the top of the 66m tower


Sadly the iconic Neon's have now been taken down and replaced with LED's that now read 'Principal'


That's right, besides a £25m overhaul, the building has been subject to cultural vandalism as the southern branch of brainless marketing fuckwits decided that "rebranding" is the future, not bothered about a century's worth of Heritage then! :rolleyes:

Might as well have named it 'Al-Bilal Palace Hotel' as suggested by some dis-gruntled heads who objected at the time

The old 'Palace' lettering can now be found abandoned below the clock tower, marking the end of an era


Often with Manchester the only way is up; but take a stroll downstairs in these places so to speak and there is always a fair bit of decent shizzle still to be had ;)

In summary and before the impending tours re-invent the wheel, here are a few pics from behind the scenes from some time ago when me and @Bolts went for a mooch

Excuse the crappy phone pics as simply not had chance to nip back with the slr...

The place is an absolute maze, with endless corridors and stairs serving both basement and sub-basement levels, most of which still very much in use and quite lively so we had to duck, dive & dodge staff as they came and went about their business



Down in the sub-basement can be found remains of what was once an air-raid shelter used during WW2

Now crammed with utilities in parts and filled with all manner of junk in others, you could spend hours here just sifting through half that crap alone




The "Grand Room"


This was originally designed by Stanley Birkett and purpose built as the Refuge Assurance employee dining hall which had a fully equipped orchestra pit and sprung dance floor

The dining hall was designed to accommodate all 1300 members of staff and also equipped to hold social events such as dinner dances and shows which were put on by the staff, hence the stage etc

Incredibly, in the early 60s and at a time when fine dining was booming, the most popular 'chef special' dish on the menu was believe it or not meat and potato pie!

Finding a decent quality old photatoe as poor as my present day iBone special was a challenge

(If anyone can stump up a decent sized B&W of this lot, holler) :thumb


Today it's a glittering event/ballroom location and the largest single hotel event space in the North West, with room for +1,000 people



An absolute parcel of a pic looking out from back stage, sorry!


Just when you'd be forgiven for being done with this place, it just keeps giving; tucked away in the sub-basement are some ancient vaults

I mean for starters, just look at this art decor staircase leading down to them


In the 1890’s early 1900’s the Refuge Assurance Company handled all monies concerning the policies they dealt with at the Oxford Street building

This called for a purposed vault for them to securely store the income of the day along with sensitive documents

Down another staircase and through an iron gate one enters the vaults



Situated within, are a number of large red bespoke fire proof safes

Similar safes can be seen as "mock up's" on the second floor of the Hotel, which are easily viewable to the casual tourist and paying hotel guest ;)


..along with strong rooms







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Irresponsible & Reckless
Regular User
That's fantastic mate. I've some great memories of this place, strange to see those PALACE letters abandoned there that way.

I never even imagined there would be so much to see below. Hats off!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Was a good night this, dodging staff made it all the more fun, I'll have to whack my pictures up at some point. Think I stuck some in the NP pics thread but didn't have enough to make a report at that point


big in japan
Regular User
lovely read! brought back some good times.

'Principle' though..?!
Seriously. get in the bin


subterranean explorer
Regular User
I spent a lot of time in here both mooching & drinking,

believe its owned by the Principal Hayley group hence Principal,
will always be Palace to me though.

nice photographs & thread. :thumb

The Kwan

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Love the Grand room and those tiles and stairs in the basement are amazing, beats studded walls and MDF.

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