What’s now just a switch house used to be part of the power plant of the coal mine “Zeche Prosper”. The turbine hall and boilers buildings were demolished in the early 90’s after the decision was made to stop power production on site, but the switch house was spared as it was still at the center of all the sites electrical network. The mine closed in 2018, and the switchhouse was disconnected for good in 2021.
Uppon entering the building, wich already looks nice from the outside, the architectual details looked pretty promessing.
After climbing the stairs, we find ourselved at the real highlight of the building: what used to be the power plant control room, later repurposed to only serve the swichhouse.
It is clear that the room have been “cut in half” when the turbine hall was demolished.
The rest of the building with all the high voltage switches was also really nice and well preserved
View on the nearby coking plant
Very unfortunately, a few months after our visit, a friend of mine sent me this photo of the control room having been totaly vandalized in a very stupid way
I'm not really sure if this building is still standing, if it is it's probably been gutted by scrappers and vandalized even more by now...
Uppon entering the building, wich already looks nice from the outside, the architectual details looked pretty promessing.
After climbing the stairs, we find ourselved at the real highlight of the building: what used to be the power plant control room, later repurposed to only serve the swichhouse.
It is clear that the room have been “cut in half” when the turbine hall was demolished.
The rest of the building with all the high voltage switches was also really nice and well preserved
View on the nearby coking plant
Very unfortunately, a few months after our visit, a friend of mine sent me this photo of the control room having been totaly vandalized in a very stupid way
I'm not really sure if this building is still standing, if it is it's probably been gutted by scrappers and vandalized even more by now...