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Question - Google Maps

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28DL Member
28DL Member
So i found a place on google maps, From my view and a few friends it looks like its most likely abandoned but i just want a second opinion from someone who knows more of the signs of abandonment

Blue Line = Possible split in property's (The picture contains two properties right next to each other which both look kind of abandoned, One more than the other.

Ive labeled the two properties 1 and 2 so that you can tell me which ones you think are abandoned
Screenshot 2024-06-13 142557.png

Explore With Alex

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
as its close to a road get on the street view of the road opposite it and have a look and see if it has stuff like boarded up windows,broken windows stuff like that

Explore With Alex

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It dosnt but i know sometimes satellite view can be more in date then street view as the streetview was 2 years ago.
If your nearby go check it out if not i would say it looks like a part of it is derelict as roof seems like its fell in parts but yea if your nearby check it out even better if you have a drone

Exploring with Andy

Behind Closed Doors
Staff member
Good job looking around and researching places. The first steps to finding new places to explore always takes place at home in front of a screen. A bit of further research, as you've shown here, can often save you a wasted trip. Don't be put off by this, or by finding out somewhere has now demolished as is often the case, because the reward of finding somewhere new is always worth the effort. It's good to see new members getting stuck into research rather than just relying on previously found places.


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
The access road from the car park of the larger building leads to the other two smaller buildings so they were at one time part of the same property.

Use street view, particularly the older imagery, in order to help ID what the place was, the earliest imagery available is from 2008 so it should still have been open at that point.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
As you found out number 1 is being refurbished, good job on that. The car and car park didnt inspire confidence really.
Its hard to tell from outdated maps. But if 2 is a completely different company Id say its abandoned. The car park is over grown, the roof has holes etc.