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Report - - RAF Caistor (Thor Nuclear missile site) January 2024 | Military Sites |

Report - RAF Caistor (Thor Nuclear missile site) January 2024

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This is my first official post - I grew up in North Lincolnshire so I am aware the area is full of old military sites from the 2nd World War & the Cold war, before I moved away from the area I worked on RAF Kirton Lindsey for a while & went to primary school at RAF Hemswell - my Dad was also in the Royal Observer Corps until is disbanded












so many of the local sites are familiar to me. However, on reading up on the Cold War recently I became aware of the Thor missile Project (Project Emily) from the late 1950's - much of this was happening just a few miles from my parents home so I just had to take a look before the site disappears into the overgrowth / gets torn down.

I headed out to old RAF Caistor to have a mooch around and take a few photos before all signs of the launch site has gone forever. Thor missiles were part of the joint venture agreed in 1958 between UK & USA to have long range ballistic missiles (with a nuclear warhead) positioned in 4 sites across England, ready to launch within 15 minutes.

RAF Caistor / Ludford / were controlled from RAF Hemswell. Each site had 3 launch pads & they were fairly cheaply built using quite a few temporary buildings, each missile was stored within a sliding canopy. The Project was disbanded around 5 years later & replaced by the V Bombers (Vulcans in tis case). And the site was emptied and sold off to farmers.



The pics of the Thor site show the blast barriers, all 3 missile launch pads were still standing, each had a concrete trench for the oxygen & kerosene tanks, 3 theodolite stands and other hard standings / connecting roads, lots of the old concrete tracks remain.







Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Not bad, any more of the roc post at end?
I am very familiar with the thor launchers as I walk Harrington airfield bird watching pretty much every week


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Remember this as a child in the 70s. My dad was a farm manager for Cherry Valley ducks and the rocket site was on one of his farms.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Nice first report. We have an old Thor site at West Raynham. Don't think much survived to show it though. But as an ex RAF base, it's one of the most complete in the UK.

A man called Martyn

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
For a Thor site, Caistor has a lot of buildings left standing which are quite rare to see at such locations. Squadron Admin huts, Fire Tender and Police vehicle Garage. These are located close to the Launch Control area. The Squadron admin huts were in a very poor state the last time i Visited the site. While in the 1970s, a rare feature to survive on one of the Caistor launch emplacements was the emergency shower.

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