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General - RAF Newton

  • Thread starter Ikilledabunchofpeopleonce
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Visited 10/1/21














Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Nice photos but formatting needs amending here. Title needs area, mth & yr ( I know its RAF Newton) but its just to keep all reports in line with protocol. Some history about the place, covered before or not. And maybe a little bit of how your explore came about or was.

But thank you for sharing this, looks like a nice area to walk :thumb


Thanks for the comments. Is it possible to edit posts?
NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. JANUARY 2021. RAF Newton is a disused RAF Airbase in Nottinghamshire which was operational from 1939 up until 2000. Uses range from operational during war time to training in later years.
The hangars are now used for commercial purposes. I heard that Robot Wars was filmed there. The security onsite is very good. I cycled onto site a few years ago and there were numerous buildings waiting to be explored . I stuck to the roadways because I was expecting security to have seen me on CCTV. So I made sure I did not venture onto private property. After 5 minutes a security guard arrived and politely asked me to leave, which I did. However, there are many buildings on the west side of the site which are not subject to any security and there is free access to. These are pictured in my post above. The doors to the bunkers are sealed over with concrete and tar. the hinges are decorative. It is possible these have been sealed up due to the use of radium in the past. Radium was used to make aircraft dials glow in the dark. Around the perimeter of the entire airfield there are pill boxes. they would have been used as security for the site. I have found bullet casings inside these. I made some enquiries with a gamekeeper I know, and the type of bullets would suggest they were used for scaring birds off the runways prior to use.
A lot of demolition has been done over the years and there are not many more buildings to explore. There is a dog training area with an enclosed training ground, as well as kennels.
It is not far from where I live so is a good place to visit with my son.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Thanks for the comments. Is it possible to edit posts?
NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. JANUARY 2021. RAF Newton is a disused RAF Airbase in Nottinghamshire which was operational from 1939 up until 2000. Uses range from operational during war time to training in later years.
The hangars are now used for commercial purposes. I heard that Robot Wars was filmed there. The security onsite is very good. I cycled onto site a few years ago and there were numerous buildings waiting to be explored . I stuck to the roadways because I was expecting security to have seen me on CCTV. So I made sure I did not venture onto private property. After 5 minutes a security guard arrived and politely asked me to leave, which I did. However, there are many buildings on the west side of the site which are not subject to any security and there is free access to. These are pictured in my post above. The doors to the bunkers are sealed over with concrete and tar. the hinges are decorative. It is possible these have been sealed up due to the use of radium in the past. Radium was used to make aircraft dials glow in the dark. Around the perimeter of the entire airfield there are pill boxes. they would have been used as security for the site. I have found bullet casings inside these. I made some enquiries with a gamekeeper I know, and the type of bullets would suggest they were used for scaring birds off the runways prior to use.
A lot of demolition has been done over the years and there are not many more buildings to explore. There is a dog training area with an enclosed training ground, as well as kennels.
It is not far from where I live so is a good place to visit with my son.
Hi, you will need a mod or admin to edit your report now. We can only edit up to 24 hrs sadly. Great to read your account of your explore though. Thanks for taking on board the comments made. Hope we see more from you after this lockdown lets us roam free lol

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