The History:
The Explore:
This has been a spot that I have attempted on multiple occasions all unsuccessful albeit. Finally years later on a mild October day in 2020 we managed to get into RAF Nocton hospital and then the hall itself. Access was near impossible to the hall as the fence had been repaired so many times over the years and been reinforced with multiple layers of fencing. The locals are known to be the main security for this place and regard it as theirs so we needed to be carful not to draw attention to ourselves.
Whilst exploring the massive hospital site two men in hard hats walked past us however paid us little attention and stated that the site was dangerous and not safe to be in and that we should leave. Once they had disappeared out of our sight we carried on, following their advice and being carful but not the leaving part.
Hours later we moved onto the main hall, however by this time it was descending into darkness which gave a rather intimidating atmosphere. Access was easier from within the hospital to the hall. Whilst exploring there were many noises and lots of unexpected 'gaps' in the floor making us rather on edge. (literally)
When leaving we heard a car and saw some torch lights looking at the gates of the RAF hospital. We crouched in the overgrown garden of Nocton hall in the hope that they would leave once they were satisfied that no one was around. They however persisted for around an hour, at this point it began to rain and our phones both died. The torch light then peered through the hole in the fence that we had entered through almost pointing straight at us, luckily they did not spot us. We then attempted to leave but they had repaired the hole that we had entered through so we had to break out. They then reappeared so we darted back into the grass. A few laps of the perimeter by them later they decided to leave.....As did we!
The Photographs:
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- Nocton hall is a Grade II listed country house located in Nocton village in Lincolnshire. There were many prominent former residents, one being the first Earl of Ripon Fredrick John Robinson who was briefly Prime Minister of the United Kingdom between August 1827 and January 1828.
- Nocton Manor (as it was then known) was visited by King Henry VIII and Catherine Howard in 1541 during the Kings northern progress.
- The original building dates back to 1530, however there were two major reconstructions of the hall on in the late 17th century and one in 1834 after it was destroyed in a fire.
- During the First World War the house was used by the Americans for wounded soldiers. It was again used as a military hospital during the Second World War by the Americans until it was taken over by the RAF who expanded the grounds significantly. RAF Hospital Nocton Hall was a 740-bed RAF hospital and officially opened in June 1947 serving personnel based at local RAF stations along with their families and local civilians until its closure on the 31 march 1983 when it returned to private use. Finally, closing its doors in 1995.
- There was a major fire in 2004 battled by 70 firefighters which was believed to be arson which destroyed the entire interior and left the hall in a derelict state.
- Nocton Hall is believed to be haunted by a sobbing ghost before it was burnt down. The ghost of a young girl was said to roam the halls and frequently visited one bedroom. Several staff that stayed in the bedroom were awakened on separate occasions at exactly 04:30 to find a young girl standing at the end of the bed. She was sobbing and speaking incoherently about a ‘devilish man’ who ‘had done this to her’. It is believed that this is the ghost of a young servant girl who lived and worked in the house who was murdered by the owner’s son after he had his way with her and found out that she was pregnant.
- Nocton Hall was also used as a filming set for the movie ‘The woman in black’ in 2015.
The Explore:
This has been a spot that I have attempted on multiple occasions all unsuccessful albeit. Finally years later on a mild October day in 2020 we managed to get into RAF Nocton hospital and then the hall itself. Access was near impossible to the hall as the fence had been repaired so many times over the years and been reinforced with multiple layers of fencing. The locals are known to be the main security for this place and regard it as theirs so we needed to be carful not to draw attention to ourselves.
Whilst exploring the massive hospital site two men in hard hats walked past us however paid us little attention and stated that the site was dangerous and not safe to be in and that we should leave. Once they had disappeared out of our sight we carried on, following their advice and being carful but not the leaving part.
Hours later we moved onto the main hall, however by this time it was descending into darkness which gave a rather intimidating atmosphere. Access was easier from within the hospital to the hall. Whilst exploring there were many noises and lots of unexpected 'gaps' in the floor making us rather on edge. (literally)
When leaving we heard a car and saw some torch lights looking at the gates of the RAF hospital. We crouched in the overgrown garden of Nocton hall in the hope that they would leave once they were satisfied that no one was around. They however persisted for around an hour, at this point it began to rain and our phones both died. The torch light then peered through the hole in the fence that we had entered through almost pointing straight at us, luckily they did not spot us. We then attempted to leave but they had repaired the hole that we had entered through so we had to break out. They then reappeared so we darted back into the grass. A few laps of the perimeter by them later they decided to leave.....As did we!
The Photographs:
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