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Report - - RAF RIVENHALL - ESSEX - MAY : 2022 | Military Sites |

Report - RAF RIVENHALL - ESSEX - MAY : 2022

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Big Bad Penguin (a mate who's not on 28) and myself decided to do a last minute explore, and found more structures than we had thought we would ...

The RAF site, is divided into two with one side repurposed (Polish side) ..and that's taken over largely by quarry works (Northern side)... the rest is moddest industrial estate .the first building you come to there was the original gymnasium. The other original building were restored and functional.

There is also a nearby 'T2' Hanger .a large Black 'listed property' that used to contain various Aircrafts ...

The T-2 hangar remains, along with a scattering of buildings. An automobile salvage yard has taken over some of the hardstands in the East end of the airfield, where once C-47s and gliders were stored. - As of cc2013, only one of the two T-2 hangars remain, with demolition claiming the other historical remaining buildings.

We mainly focused on the admin area which was located under a canopy of rich green leaves and towering trees we also found the flight offices and a number of other concrete bases where buildings once stood before recently-ish being demolished. All that was left of those structures was a huge pile of bricks that had been collected and deposited in a pile.

The main Runway is now the query works ...

We took so many photos including a variety of signs and literature.

The RAF also operated from these premises and were stationed here until cc1956 until financing ceased and the Ministry of Defence (MOD) sold off the land ..

It was only then when Marconi took over and the quarry work then got the green light . and went ahead with little haste.

All of the buidings and structures have fallen into a delapedated state but capture a magnificent feeling and with the decadent look its possible to really get a feel of how things would have looked when the site was operational and in good keeping ..but tainted by age and over growth.

RAF RIVENHALL was established in cc1942 and was home to U.S workers whom flew Mustangs which took to the skies from this military base.




















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28DL Regular User
Regular User
I like this place, been twice and has a fair selection of buildings. The hangar was well locked up when we went. It was nice to see the bomb site store. That's the building at the back of the hits on its own with the ducting above it.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I like this place, been twice and has a fair selection of buildings. The hangar was well locked up when we went. It was nice to see the bomb site store. That's the building at the back of the hits on its own with the ducting above it.

You mean this one ? ..


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

This is how the runway/s used to look before Marconi took ownership, then the quarry works took it over destroying any trace of the runway/s and other structures on that area.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Does anyone know the purpose/name of the concrete building with the wood structure inside that has a carpeted stairway ....and any additional information with regard to the wood built structure inside... ?


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Nice to see an update on this place. Wanted to go to this one for a while, glad to see some of it is left.

Although it's rather dilapidated like you said, it hasn't been subject to much vandalism so it's still nice that most of the decay is natural.


T-Rex Urbex
28DL Full Member
Does anyone know the purpose/name of the concrete building with the wood structure inside that has a carpeted stairway ....and any additional information with regard to the wood built structure inside... ?
I’d like to know this too, quite a surprise to find in there. I assumed it was a mock house for training?

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