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Report - - RAF Syerston, Nottinghamshire, September 2024 | Military Sites |

Report - RAF Syerston, Nottinghamshire, September 2024

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The explore: Though reviews were meh, this site was interesting enough to stretch my legs on a road trip. After complaining about the high level of security at sites around the country, I was happy to see a walk in, and was then quickly reminded why security can be a good thing: evidence of fire, trash, destruction. Nothing particularly interesting but it scratches an itch and was nice for a relaxed stroll. I stopped taking pictures when I was bored enough to find a room with carpet remaining interesting.

I threw in a couple abandoned air control towers from the States as there's not enough for a full write up of them and I figured they'd liven up an air force base post.

History: RAF Syerston opened in 1940. Closed in the 70s, the abandoned mess hall became an Islamic school in the 90s. After a lawsuit the school closed in 2007.



Road trips really mess with your brain-I was so intrigued this carpet had lasted.



These holes covered by wood were everywhere. I assumed they led to some kind of cellar but i couldn’t lift them up, they seemed nailed in place.


And a couple unrelated air traffic control tower pics there's not enough to do an actual write up of:

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
With just 4 pics of the site, think this is more suitable for the "General Photos" thread.

EDIT: OK, some more have now appeared!
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