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Report - - Ravens Morrow Mansion, Surrey - Dec 19 | Other Sites |

Report - Ravens Morrow Mansion, Surrey - Dec 19

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the north
Regular User
Raven Morrow Mansion


There isn't much history available for the site, but we think it was built in the late 1980s and vacated from 2014. Apparently there are 14 bedrooms, each with on-suites and owned by some Latvian men, who live in the security house joined to the manor.

This one takes us back to a trip down South just after Christmas. We had a fun evening trying various underground stuff with @xplorer.x and @LashedLlama before kindly crashing at @Olkka 's humble abode. Thanks again for that, mate. The next day we had an early train to Brighton to catch where we hoped to visit Shoreham. However, it turned out that Olkka's sofa turned out far too comfortable and we woke up too late to make the journey. A quick scan showed that this site was doing the rounds so we glumly visited and met a handful of others here, with more arriving as we left. The house itself wasn't as bad as expected, although a lot of it was rather odd and tacky. I quite liked the central staircase, which was decaying nicely, and the treehouse in the extensive garden.

From what I've heard, following the trespass strain of the mansion, they are trying to push demolition forward, and have increased security presence until then. Here's some pictures:

The fountains at the front and back were cute




The treehouse. Imagine having this in your garden as a kid...



Doors are ripped off the hinges around the property. The first one we saw took us into the central staircase, topped with a domed skylight.







A lounge, with fake bookshelf cupboards




In one section of the house, there was a lot more deterioration. Someone had definitely been catering to the building after it became unused, with buckets placed down to collect the surging water.



According to some of the people we met inside, this graffiti had occurred the day before, with the mansion cropping up two days prior. It had to be a Facebook world record.



That's all for the photos. Here's the link to the documentary styled video we made here. We cover what we could find of the past, present and future through cinematics and narration:

Thanks for reading :)


28DL Member
28DL Member

It's not accessible anymore, they've boarded all windows and doors up and there's fencing around the house. I've been before but went back a couple of months ago and that's what I found


Staff member
Not sure the current Government advice is go explore Raven's Morrow!

I think our database will be shrinking a fair bit after this lot...
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grumpy sod
Regular User
I don't get why people can't leave well alone. Repeatedly it's been said on here as well as other threads that it's not a doable thing any more, yet like with Coombe Park and whichever else derpy house is current flavour of the week people keep trying to explore them. Go somewhere better instead!

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