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re: mini tripod recommends?

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hello all,

I have recently been gifted an el cheapo action cam, and want a mini tripod to try it out. There is a roughly quarter of an inch thread/hole in the bottom of the included plastic mount. Any recommends? I want something decent that won't break the bank, as I am on a budget, but not something cheap and crap that won't last five minutes either. Been looking at manfrotto and they seem ok, but what you all recommend?



28DL Regular User
Regular User
Going to watch this as my manfrotto mini tripod has just bust (so probably wouldn't recommend that make!) and am in the market for one that will fit in my backpack...


Regular User
A gorillapod (or clone) may be a good choice as they can grip branches and other odd shapes as well as be used as a straightforward tripod with smaller cameras.
Lots of reasonably priced smaller tripods about without the expense of a brand name


Regular User
Going to watch this as my manfrotto mini tripod has just bust (so probably wouldn't recommend that make!) and am in the market for one that will fit in my backpack...

I carry a 190 and use it for beating up brambles, as a walking stick, cattle prod etc as well as a tripod. Had it for years so VFM is good. I also have a beefree but don't tend to bother with that despite is being a bit smaller/lighter. Been using Manfrotto and Gitzo for years and no compaints other than initial cost (but as they have all lasted well the actual value is OK).
I also have a few other odds and sods..original gorillapod and smaller clones as these are good for holding torches etc as well if required.


A fellow of infinite jest
28DL Full Member
Velbon VTP787 works well for me in drains with my phone and fits in my coat pocket


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Surely depends what your intent is . As it’s a action cam it won’t be stills so either a gorilla pod or manfrotto mini , mini great to hand hold and quickly put down but pod will get angles we dream of . Hanging off trees fences almost anything but bit wobbly if your walking holding the legs I use this


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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thanks @puma and to all the other posters. I'd really just like something I can use to grip as I walk, so the manfrotto mini is looking like it, also seen a few others on amazon. Are they any high street shops that are worth looking in? checked on argos but their prices seem daft compared to amazon who offer free delivery!


Regular User
I'd stick to the river online thing/ebarf for prices. I bought a small tripod affair that is like a pistol-grip when folded. It's not manfrotto quality (or price) but works reasonably well....just doesn't suit my use as in practice I only ever seem to use actiocams attached to the battle wagon or my caving hat. If you think it might suit you are welcome to it as it will forever gather dust here.

Looks like this:


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thanks for sharing that tigger. Actually looks like one I was looking at on river uk. Will send you a pm.
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
A gorillapod (or clone) may be a good choice as they can grip branches and other odd shapes as well as be used as a straightforward tripod with smaller cameras.
Lots of reasonably priced smaller tripods about without the expense of a brand name

Seconded, I own a Gorillapod and it's amazing. I would say their weight estimates are very liberal so make sure you have a LOT of rating to spare.


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
You would be surprised what you might find in your local charity shop if money is tight.
There's a few in my local one atm, it's worth checking.