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Report - - Report - Stonesby PSD/GPSS - December 2019 | Military Sites |

Report - Report - Stonesby PSD/GPSS - December 2019

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GPSS urbex

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This site was part of the GPSS pipeline network. CLH Pipeline System - Wikipedia
Closed in the late 90's. This site has a number of underground tanks and a tanker loading facility. Also had a NATS air traffic control mast that was relocated a mile north in the late 2000's.
Not the most pleasant explore due to razor wire and A steady stream of Eagle-eyed dog walkers on the nearby footpath. Sadly, all buildings boarded up and underground enterances blocked with huge Concrete blocks. Still interesting though.
This site is up for sale by the MOD. Could be yours!


"CCTV" (Magic cameras with no power supply or wiring)

The main gate. Includes a turning circle for tankers.

Tanker fuelling area. Note the Ignition-safe lighting fixture to the right.

Looking towards office/control hut.


Entrance to underground area (sadly blocked)

Side of a tank mound and former Base for Diesel tank

Valve wheel (thoroughly rusted shut)

Tank ventilation fan.

Section of formerly active pipeline. Stunk of petrol. Now demolished.
Another blocked entrance. Disappointed I wasn't able to get in any of the underground areas.
Screenshot (75).jpg

Traffic lights in the middle of nowhere? they're at the entrance to the access road to co-ordinate tankers arriving. If a tanker was driving out the signal would be red.
Access to the buildings may have changed since 2019, Might be worth a visit again.

A man called Martyn

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
"Attached is an Ministry of Power description of the site showing it as then being unusable and also having no facilities for Tanker loading.


Situated on a 5½ acres site about 8 miles south of Redmile and connected to the S/M line by two 8” Johnson coupled spurs approximately 2000ft. long. The installation is complete and cannot be operated in its present condition.

Tanks Three C2 type tanks each of 4000 tons nominal capacity for the storage of white oils. They can be filled only from the Government Pipeline System and it is possible for oil to gravitate from any tank to the Redmile PSD installation.

The tanks are partly buried and mounded.

Pipelines There are no pipelines other than those connecting the tanks to the spurs which lead to the S/M line.

Pumps There are no pumps.

Rail and
Loading There is no provision for despatch by road or rail.

Fighting There is a small concrete lined static water pond but there is no mains supply to the installation. Foam entry points have been provided at the tunnel entrance for injection into tanks through the product lines. No other fire fighting equipment has been provided.

Supply There are light points in the tank access tunnel and office building but no mains supply of current or standby generator has been provided.

Building A brick masonry structure consisting of an office room (12’ x 9’), a switch room (9’ x 4’) and a toilet."