Revolver, Manchester
There has been quite a bit of new stuff in Manc turned over since LittleMike & Co dropped the baton a few years back now, this being no exception
Credits to TheVicar for finding this in the first instance (despite him never actually making it down) AND concreteJungle for getting it done in the first place

Believe it or not I had actually glimpsed at this a while back now and dismissed it as a shitty concrete culvert, how wrong was I..
Despite getting a soaking and caked in mud attempting to limbo under the 'low concrete bridge' I actually enjoyed this place as much as when I first saw CJ's pics!
(Just goes to show any holes a goal, and maybe sometimes I need to just stop being a lazy c**t)

Essentially a 2 bore concrete box which carries the culvert underneath the carriageway for approx 300m, both infall & outfall are grilled preventing access
Above the culvert and within the structure an access corridor for the utilities below which is home to a 2m trunk sewer, complete with CSO and stepped outfalls to the watercourse which passes underneath
The only other redeeming features were an inspection chamber for plant/man access near to the infall and a watercourse exiting through a 5ft RCP just to the left of the outfall
Infrastructure never ceases to amaze me, and equally as amazed to see as many features packed into such small space
The following pics will better depict this system...
This manhole drops you into the culvert near to the infall
(Dodging the traffic was lulz)
Climbing down a makeshift ladder swinging from a rusty peg certainly was an education
(Hindsight is a gift, a ladder would have been much easier later on)

The first thing that struck me was the high watermark (above 6ft this isn't somewhere you would wish to end your days), it's also heavily silted yet teaming with fish
After trudging downstream in lets face it a concrete coffin which wasn't too inspiring, I could eventually see daylight obscured by another concrete structure ?
Around 140m from the outfall a 'low concrete bridge' obstructs the culvert, and with less than 1ft above the water line I had no choice but to man up and almost swim under it with my kit-bag miraculously avoiding the drink
On the other side the concrete swerves to the right, daylight leading the way to the impassable grill defending the outfall
I free climbed up to what concreteJungle described as a window above the culvert, a ladder would have been much easier!
Scrambling over some herras fencing strategically placed no doubt to satisfy the H&S bods I now found myself in a utility passageway
To the right a spot of sunbathing by a padlocked gate
(for one minute I almost forgot where I was)
To the left the passageway curved off into the distance
The other side was a ladder up to a small cross section, with another ladder down into a CSO
Here, a sewer enters through a 2m RBP on the right, passes through the CSO via a concrete trough and exits via a smaller 1m RBP
The overflow weir comprises of a concrete channel with 5 slots which step down to the culvert below, this runs parrallel to the section I entered
(These can be seen in both the pics above & below)
I climbed down beyond the slots into the other culverted section below, in the distance can be seen the other side of the low concrete bridge
The sewer as seen further up, curves beyond the 1m RBP and travels through the bridge via 2 cast iron pipes
Daylight creeps through the other side as it curves back towards the infall it was waist deep and heavily silted
Underneath the low concrete bridge was nowhere as deep and silted as the other side, yet there was no way out via the grill so I had to make my way back the way I came

Outta here
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