Rhydymwyn Valley Military Site (Near Mold)
After viewing an article online about military tunnels near Mold we decided to take a trip out on a random Sunday. The website is unclear about being open to the piblic however after further research it becomes apparent you can join the society and visit the site indepently after a brief induction.
The day we arrived was a Tunnels open day for the society so we managed to drive straight in and park. Lots of people milling about and talking in groups so we just headed down a road onto the site unhindered.
The complex is littered with empty buildings (apart from the odd foot and mouth sign), the road ways etc are overgrown giving it a Walking Dead feeling.
After spending a few hours exploring (the tunnel visits were completely booked and inaccessible), we headed back to the entrance. At this point we realised access to the DEFRA controlled site is only for society members and you need to complete a H&S induction and wear a Hi Viz vest at all times...who knew!
The site is completely hidden from the road and the society website states it was a fully operational military site during WW2 and it was a mustard gas production facility.
After viewing an article online about military tunnels near Mold we decided to take a trip out on a random Sunday. The website is unclear about being open to the piblic however after further research it becomes apparent you can join the society and visit the site indepently after a brief induction.
The day we arrived was a Tunnels open day for the society so we managed to drive straight in and park. Lots of people milling about and talking in groups so we just headed down a road onto the site unhindered.
The complex is littered with empty buildings (apart from the odd foot and mouth sign), the road ways etc are overgrown giving it a Walking Dead feeling.
After spending a few hours exploring (the tunnel visits were completely booked and inaccessible), we headed back to the entrance. At this point we realised access to the DEFRA controlled site is only for society members and you need to complete a H&S induction and wear a Hi Viz vest at all times...who knew!
The site is completely hidden from the road and the society website states it was a fully operational military site during WW2 and it was a mustard gas production facility.