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Report - - River Effra (Sewer) - A Decade Of Southern Division Associated Drainage, London 2010 - 2019. | Noteworthy Reports | Page 4 |

Report - River Effra (Sewer) - A Decade Of Southern Division Associated Drainage, London 2010 - 2019.

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Staff member
The map is from an old book, we have a decent scan of it and I asked him to colour over the bits we did, I do like a good map but literally rubbish when it comes to the graphics department lol


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
As others have said, this is top stuff and definitely should be in the notable reports section.


Choose life, choose tunnels
Regular User
Well, I saw this the evening it was posted, closed the tab swiftly and went onto some lighter reading thinking 'that warrants a good sit down to soak all the info in' :p

Without reference to maps, you lost me at the first few junctions, but I was there with yourself n TG all the way in the shadows.

I even smell of atomized fresh just sat here reading it!

Sound work lads, shouts to N'Droy too for the background work :thumb


Choose life, choose tunnels
Regular User
Pair of fucking idiots. Sack that for a game of soldiers.
Feel like I know the place now and it seems no ones clocked the best bit of Photoshoppery yet! :D

Bob on mate. :thumb
Now there's a little challenge to find it. Do I win the original file if I find it?

*I'm going for the Shimmying the sponge cake board pic*
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Armchair warrior
28DL Full Member
An amazing and authoritative report. A great read and fab pix. Am v glad you survived Mr Ojay!!

Uncle Tony

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
For one, your re-visit to the scene of disaster must have been awful! :oops

For two, even with maps for reference that's one hell of a maze of interconnecting madness to follow, chunks of which I haven't personally seen, being a north London snob.

For three, just two tea drinking emojis in that entire odyssey, shameful.

That is really quite the labour of love and a chronicle for posterity. Very, very unlikely to be repeated either I'd guess. There's really too much there to make any comment that does justice to the effort put in over years of exploring and hours of writing it up and processing pics. Nothing but respect for your not giving up on the write-up too, I feel I'd have stalled far before the half-way point. It is definitely deserving of three more cups of tea and another read through.

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