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Report - - River Rea, Birmingham - Sept 2014 | UK Draining Forum |

Report - River Rea, Birmingham - Sept 2014


Massive Member
Regular User
It's a really nice culvert with a few side pipes

I'm surprised I haven't seen it posted a bit more often

The River Rea (pronounced "re-a") is a small river which passes through Birmingham, England. The name of the river derives from a root found in many Indo-European languages and means "to run" or "to flow". It frequently bursts its banks after heavy rain.

It rises in Waseley Hills Country Park, with the source well signposted from the carpark there. The river drops about 70 metres (230 ft) in its first mile, but from then on has a very gentle slope. The river's tributaries include Callow Brook, the Bourne (which begins as Merritts Brook before joining Griffins Brook) and Bourne Brook. From Rubery, the river flows into Birmingham near the former Rover works at Longbridge, then flows through a tunnel under the A38. In Northfield, one of the river's few remaining fords is at The Mill Walk, near Hawkesley Mill Lane. After this, the river valley is also used by the railway to Kings Norton.
A floodgate on the river at Vaughton’s Hole (now Vaughton St), Highgate, Birmingham, drawn in 1831 by Henry Harris Lines

Wychall Reservoir, near the river at Kings Norton, was built in the early 19th century by the Worcester Canal Company after mill owners claimed that water was being taken from the river to fill the canal and reducing the working effectiveness of their mills. Following Kings Norton, the river flows through Stirchley. It is now culverted for much of its course through Birmingham, during which it passes through the Pebble Mill area and Cannon Hill Park. The medieval hamlet of Birmingham was built on a crossing on the Rea in what is now Digbeth. Many of the street names in the area refer to the river or its mills. These include Rea Street, Floodgate Street, River Street and Duddeston Mill Road. There are proposals to include a riverside walk and new bridge over the Rea at Digbeth's Custard Factory media and arts complex (now complete). There are also proposals for the river to be uncovered at the Warwick Bar area of Digbeth.

Near Gravelly Hill Interchange, about 14 miles from its source, the Rea becomes a tributary of the River Tame, with its waters eventually reaching the North Sea via the Trent and the Humber Estuary.









Fuck knows what this is doing down there but it's the best place for it



And inside was a silt filed tunnel



Oxygen Thief

Staff member
I haven't been down there for years, and like you say, haven't seen it online much at all.

Must get my arse back in there next time I'm in the midlands.



living in a cold world
Regular User
I never ended up doing it when I lived there, almost did once but ended up going downstream instead. Was more focused in researching the sewers, just to find out that the entire city is made up of 4 foot eggs. It's almost like people don't take a shit in Birmingham.


Conrod the Barbarian
Regular User
This Is definitely going on the list! Nice work bud, really keen to check out some tunnels so this could be a winner, thanks for sharing


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Anyone keen for a visit tomorrow morning? In town briefly and this floats my boat.