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Report - - Road of Remembrance Naval Bunker, Folkestone - October 2016 | Underground Sites |

Report - Road of Remembrance Naval Bunker, Folkestone - October 2016


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Visited with: @UrbanZ

Short History:

Slope Road Bunker was renamed Road of Remembrance Naval Bunker in the 1920's, in memory of the WW1 soldiers who passed the bunker on their way to docks and subsequent embarkation to the continent.
The bunker is believed to have been built in the latter stages of WW1, based on communication from the Vice Admiral of Dover in October 1942, exactly 74 years ago this month, which detailed the construction of an "underground structure containing a telephone exchange and a small control room", at an estimated cost of £1000, approx £33,000 in today's money.
Towards the bottom of the slope is a large concrete structure in plain view of the main road, and now believed to be one of the country’s oddest remnants of Second World War brutalist architecture, comprising several vaulted rooms buried deep into the cliff face.
The structure is believed to have been built to serve as a Naval communications relay site which would have passed on information from coastal shipping radio traffic, to Bletchley Park for decoding.


Siitting in the hotel room at 1am after a few drinks and couple of smokes wondering what to do with ourselves, @UrbanZ and I left @Dora Grew Up to sleep and headed out for a little wander.
After getting a slightly lost we found this little bunker, well, I did, then heard hysterical laughter coming from outside. Poking my head back over the gate to see what all the commotion was about I saw UrbanZ lying in the bushes outside, cars and pedestrians passing by en masse, laughing his head off shouting "IM A NINJA, IM A NINJA"... Very stealthy buddy!

Entering the bunker I took out my camera then realized id forgot my tripod, FFS. Thinking outside the box I grabbed a coke can and proceeded to setup my camera with a big grin on my face, but it wouldn't turn on, what the feck is going on now :confused:... I'd only gone and left the batteries in the hotel room like a twat. Guess that's why I don't get pissed on explores, but hey, you learn from experience I guess. Anyway, out with the phone (so apologies for the quality) and onto the pics.

Toilet block directly in front of entrance:

Looking into the bunker from main entrance.

Looking back towards the main entrance.

Main passageway.

No idea what this was for.

Door room.



I apologize again for the quality of the images, but thanks for looking.
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Dora Grew Up

This is actually brilliant. I wouldn't have minded being woken up for this (location, as well as @UrbanZ 's antics. Being woken up multiple times in the night by giggling wasn't quite so funny.

Great pics, quality fine. Even greater improv ;)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thanks for the feedback @TheTimeChamber, much appreciated :thumb.

Thanks @Dora Grew Up. Well I didn't want to wake you up considering the night you had before, and the fact Urban had woken you up umpteen times already that night. That was all Urban, I was extremely considerate and impeccably behaved, as always ;).


Hilariously under-equipped since 1999.
28DL Full Member
Interesting to see some of this kind of stuff associated with World War 1.