A little pump house near Whitchurch, presumably used for supplying water before the mains arrived.
This doesn’t fit into the general water-powered theme, so gets a post of its own - no explicit history other than it appears on maps between 1909 and 1924.
It’s tiny - a single room in a field, with two electrically driven pumps, one centrifugal the other reciprocating.
I didn’t notice a makers name on either pump, but the crank-driven plunger one look a bit like a Goulds (a US manufacturer whose pumps can sometimes be found over here).
The setup seems to be complete apart from an empty stand with a large ladle next to it, possibly for a water tank.
Pictures are a mixture of camera and phone.
This doesn’t fit into the general water-powered theme, so gets a post of its own - no explicit history other than it appears on maps between 1909 and 1924.
It’s tiny - a single room in a field, with two electrically driven pumps, one centrifugal the other reciprocating.
I didn’t notice a makers name on either pump, but the crank-driven plunger one look a bit like a Goulds (a US manufacturer whose pumps can sometimes be found over here).
The setup seems to be complete apart from an empty stand with a large ladle next to it, possibly for a water tank.
Pictures are a mixture of camera and phone.
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