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Report - - Rutland Road factories, Sheffield - July 2019 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Rutland Road factories, Sheffield - July 2019

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Although there isn't much left here and a lot of the site is pretty bare, this is still a nice easy explore - especially for anyone looking for somewhere who is particularly new to this! The site is pretty big and offers a range of wall art to be found.

You can check out all my photos from this explore here on my Flickr.

Sadly I cannot find any information as to what the factories at this location were used for in a past life, and there is little indication as to what this could be inside the buildings themselves. If anyone has any ideas as to what they use could have been, please let me know and I'll update this accordingly.

The explore:
Access to the factories themselves was probably one of the easiest I've ever encountered so there were no issues here. After gaining entry the large courtyard, filled with a few old lorry trailers, has become a playground for skateboarders and scooters. There's one large warehouse to explore here and a smaller building made up of two floors further back, although this one has severe fire damage in the upper levels so be careful. Access to the roof of the warehouse is questionable if you can find the way up, but once on the upper level and climbing the ladder, there are some amazing views to be seen - the next door Cannon Brewery can be seen from here.







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