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Question - Safety tips

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Another thing to think about is asbestos, most buildings built prior to 2000 might contain asbestos (roofing tiles, floor tiles, insulation, ceiling tiles etc). Does anyone wear some kind of disposable face mask / change of clothes to wear etc when having a mooch around. Just a thought.


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
Another thing to think about is asbestos, most buildings built prior to 2000 might contain asbestos (roofing tiles, floor tiles, insulation, ceiling tiles etc). Does anyone wear some kind of disposable face mask / change of clothes to wear etc when having a mooch around. Just a thought.

People's opinions differ massively from experience. Whatever risk you're comfortable with, just don't be ignorant. The best protection imo is to try to identify any potential asbestos sources and then you can decide how contaminated it might be or avoid. You'll never rule it out completely but a £15 reusable half mask might make an explore a lot more enjoyable.

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