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Report - - San Domenico Bar/Restaurant Cobham August 2020 | Leisure Sites |

Report - San Domenico Bar/Restaurant Cobham August 2020


T-Rex Urbex
28DL Full Member
Today was a huge failure...CMH fail, Pyestock fail (pretty sure we passed a camera in a tree so left then someone came along in a car and watched us, maybe I was being paranoid) and then got to the old Ravens nightclub near hindhead to find it had been flattened and something else on it (thanks google maps).

On the way back daughter suggested getting a Starbucks and seeing if we could get in San Domenico so we did just that. The countless times i’ve driven past and said to myself I will get in one day, and after all these years we finally did. Nothing worthwhile in there but after years of wanting to go in I was happy.

The floors up on the first floor are really dodgy on one side and the stairs up to the second were pitch black, I was on my own by this point with the worst torch in the world and the atmosphere was creeping me out like a bad vibe the higher I went so I called it a day after grabbing a couple of shots from the top of the stairs.

Excuse some of the pics, it was really dark in places


Originally the Mayflower hotel, it was in 1976 turned into a restaurant until its closure in 1990. Since then, the site has remained empty - although there have been attempts to spark new life into it.

The San Domenico restaurant was opened in 1976 by businessman, Jim Cressy.

Mr Cressy was already an established restauranteur with successful businesses in London, including the glamorous San Frediano in King’s Road.

Due to it's proximity to the exclusive St George's Hill estate, it was very popular with celebrities. People like Tom Jones and Cliff Richard used to eat there, Ayrton Senna too when he used to drive for McLaren in Woking.

After hitting its height during the 70s and 80s, the restaurant was closed in 1990 and entered a 25-year period of dormancy.

In 2016, London Investment Holdings decided to put the 6.3-acre plot up for sale by public auction.

It was placed under the gavel for a guide price of £4 million and gathered "considerable interest" at the time.

New owners, Euro Garages Ltd submit a planning application for a four-pump petrol station and drive-through café.

Truths and rumours :

In 2006, more than 200 people descended onto the site for an all night party, with speculation at the time some of the revellers were intending to stay on as squatters.

Rumours it was a safe house. Many people have suggested the site is used to secure either shady government aides or mafia-style henchman.

There have been alleged sightings of helicopters accessing the grounds, men in dark glasses patrolling the estate, and a solitary light bulb that illuminates the top floor of the main building at night...

Rumours of it becoming a strip club.



























Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Thanks for update on this, I thought this place had gone. Youve done a good job of making it look a bit interesting. Well written report :thumb


T-Rex Urbex
28DL Full Member
there is a starbucks there to the right of it but this still remains for now

and starbucks dont seem to mind anyone parking up as long as you buy something


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I remember going past this place numerous times in the late 90's early 00's. It was obviously derelict, but looked in good condition. Always thought it looked like a venue that you would see featuring in an episode of the Sweeney.


( . Y . )
Regular User
It's a strangely evocative place the San Domenico - it looks pretty nondescript from the outside, but for some reason everyone has heard of it! I think it's the fact that for a long time it was 'shrouded in mystery' so to speak. Surprised it hasn't been converted into apartments - I know it fronts onto the A3, but you'd still get decent money in that area.
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Crusty Juggler
Staff member
It's a strangely evocative place the San Domenico - it looks pretty nondescript from the outside, but for some reason everyone has heard of it! I think it's the fact that for a long time it was 'shrouded in mystery' so to speak. Surprised it hasn't been converted into apartments - I know it fronts onto the A3, but you'd still get decent money in that area.

It was always that weird place with a couple of lights on for years.. it was almost legendary out of pure speculation of what it could be..

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