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Report - - Sandwich WW1 Prison - Kent - March 2023 | Military Sites |

Report - Sandwich WW1 Prison - Kent - March 2023

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28DL Full Member
I had this place pinned for a few years after seeing about it on youtube in 2016 but could not work out how to get there, then finally after seeing a few of my friends go there turns out it is really easy to go do ( it is on a public walking route), we thought we take a walk to the old ww1 prison/detection center once we got there, some people were already there flying there drones, i took a look around the old prison and just found it interesting how small it was
the graffiti in the prison was interesting too.

It said that this was a detention creating the need for a relatively small detention centre with 10 cells, a central corridor and guard rooms. center, During the First World War, a secret "Q" port was built in the wider area,









Flaxenation of the G!!!
Regular User
Tbh I was local to this my whole childhood and could never work out how to walk to it 😂 I got to it via the river a few years back in the kayak


28DL Full Member
Tbh I was local to this my whole childhood and could never work out how to walk to it 😂 I got to it via the river a few years back in the kayak

Turns out it pretty simple down via the fort, over the railway track and follow the footpath round 🤣 , ended asking a friend who went how they done it felt silly after they told me


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This is a nice little walk. I didn’t have anyone to ask about this so had to rely on Apple Maps to figure it out


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I do like this one, not much to see but still a decent little explore. I'd probably go back if passing now that you've reminded me about it in your post!

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