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Lead or Rumour info - Second Dyson Ceramics, Sheffield

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hello people.

Was killing time on google earth and I happened to find what looks like a second Dyson Ceramics site in Sheffield, that I've never seen posted anywhere.

Just wanted to know if anyone had seen/visited this place before, as its odd for somewhere in Sheffield to not have at least 10 reports on it already.

Here are the images I could find from google earth.





28DL Regular User
Regular User
We tried this a few years ago with no joy at all. I know someone who has done it though and it's stripped throughout.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Driven past it many a time. Was next to a live part but think the site might be vacated now. Did have cameras and secca but that may have changed. Not seen a proper report on this place before.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Driven past it many a time. Was next to a live part but think the site might be vacated now. Did have cameras and secca but that may have changed. Not seen a proper report on this place before.
We tried it that day we saw you going into Woollen signs. We went there after that, not sure if you remember us saying. Was quite well sealed we went up the side and down a steep bank. I think the right side is still in use.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
If I remember correct we did this and it was only on the way out we saw sec asleep inside. Nothing epic to be fair. Looks the same from Google map.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
We tried it that day we saw you going into Woollen signs. We went there after that, not sure if you remember us saying. Was quite well sealed we went up the side and down a steep bank. I think the right side is still in use.
Actually, now you mention it, I do!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Just been here today, 3 new mobile cameras and a new fence, 2 cameras near the front gate near the office part and one halfway down the other part driveway, there is partial access some is still sealed but I couldn't get into the office block, from looking through the windows it looks pretty modern and stripped anyway.



Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Me and Dave did it last year. Was pretty crap tbh. Stripped out in the industrial areas and modern offices.

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