Much of the coal mining in Serbia comprises large opencast mines from which vast quantities of brown coal, or lignite, is extracted. The Vreoci complex of mines was developed in the mid-1950s and is operated by the state owned Kolubara group.The total output of all the mines in the group is bout 25 million tons a year of which 21.5 million tons goes to the two local power stations via electric railways. The remainder is processed through a large washery and sold to other customers.
The explore: Permission was granted to enter the washery yard but, once again, not to enter the buildings. However, nobody seemed to mind me climbing up onto the overhead conveyor gantry. A visit to one of the opencast pits helped put the operation into perspective and a return to the washery at dusk enabled a rather more detailed look whilst away from the eyes of management.
The rail approach to the washery.
Road transport loading bunkers.
Overview from the conveyor gantry.
Loading station for the aerial ropeway carrying dirt to the tip.
Bucket wheel excavator removing overburden at the opencast. Nobody seemed to mind photography so long as I stayed away from the machinery.
Dragline feedingcoal onto the conveyor.
A return to the washery as the sun sets.
A stroll along the walkways.
Inside the washery.
Rail loading bunkers.
The explore: Permission was granted to enter the washery yard but, once again, not to enter the buildings. However, nobody seemed to mind me climbing up onto the overhead conveyor gantry. A visit to one of the opencast pits helped put the operation into perspective and a return to the washery at dusk enabled a rather more detailed look whilst away from the eyes of management.

The rail approach to the washery.
Road transport loading bunkers.
Overview from the conveyor gantry.
Loading station for the aerial ropeway carrying dirt to the tip.
Bucket wheel excavator removing overburden at the opencast. Nobody seemed to mind photography so long as I stayed away from the machinery.
Dragline feedingcoal onto the conveyor.
A return to the washery as the sun sets.
A stroll along the walkways.
Inside the washery.
Rail loading bunkers.