Visited with Adders and Bubblehead
Ok guys are we on Serenity or Sirenity?
T'was the morning after the night before, happily in bed and Bubblehead rings... "fancy a drain then?", "heeeeeugh, yeah sure...", "are you in bed still, you lazy fucker?", "erm.. maybe.."
After agreeing to meet to at the alloted time, an hour later I turn after visiting the four corners of the Black Country. Far too many roads of the same name for the satnav to cope with...
My first trip to Serenity, and christ there was a lot of walking, which is always good to work off the night before I suppose. At least it wasn't slippy like moonwalker.
Ok guys are we on Serenity or Sirenity?
T'was the morning after the night before, happily in bed and Bubblehead rings... "fancy a drain then?", "heeeeeugh, yeah sure...", "are you in bed still, you lazy fucker?", "erm.. maybe.."
After agreeing to meet to at the alloted time, an hour later I turn after visiting the four corners of the Black Country. Far too many roads of the same name for the satnav to cope with...
My first trip to Serenity, and christ there was a lot of walking, which is always good to work off the night before I suppose. At least it wasn't slippy like moonwalker.