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Report - - Shoreham Cement Works (July 2015) | Industrial Sites |

Report - Shoreham Cement Works (July 2015)

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Camera Shy

Old enough to know better
Regular User
There's a few places that have been staples of the exploring world for many a year and way before i got into this scene, that for one reason or another i've never got around to, this being one, the distance from Manchester shouldn't be a factor as i've travelled a lot further to see far worse places, maybe it because sometimes you've seen so many images from somewhere you almost feel like you've already been yourself. Anyway, originally i had plans to head over to Germany but things changed and i decided it was time to see a couple of places i'd put off for way too long with my own eyes, originally i wanted to visit Camelot and the Twatvian Consulate but i couldn't find access so had to make do with this, sorry to deprive the forum of it's daily Camelot report :-(

Looking back through old reports and it's not really changed one bit, which is good because that means it's still fking ace, i love having a wander around bit rusty old heavy industry.

Absolutely nothing new that those who've been around for a good while haven't seen before, but here it is anyway.

The former Shoreham Cement Works, was built in 1949. The quarry itself dates back to 1851 and cement was manufactured on the site since at least 1898.
The cement was fired in two enormous 350ft kilns. The works is considered a fine example of the technology of the post war period and is still largely intact.
Shoreham Cement Works closed in 1991 and a distribution depot on the site ceased operating in 1997, although the quarry itself is still in use.

Plans are afoot to turn the site into some kind of eco village, whether that happens of not is anyones guess.



















Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
This place has got to be the only pre 28dl 'epic' left now. Things like Millennium Mills and Battersea are past it yet this place seems to have endured and thankfully doesn't seem to have had made it onto the splorist radar too much yet thank god!

Most people miss the turbine hall. Wide open but on the other side of the building to what you normally get in to so i think people are just slack and dont realise its there, ive only had a brief look myself after we got caught by security (who was hiding on the roof watching to the local airshow at the time haha!) Could be time to re-visit!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Now that sir is a nice report..gutted i missed the trip, that will teach me to have kid's….


Sore Knee
Regular User
Yes. One of the unsung heroes, this place. When I was there, the security sat in his car right outside the open doorway of the turbine hall so it meant a lot of tiptoeing around. I spose it would be the main target of copper thieves


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
Nicely done mate,no excuse really for not seeing this one,i blame over active secca on the day ..but you have captured it really well :thumb