Short Stop, Bury - July 2012.
Whilst looking for something else in the area last summer, I had always ruled this one out, purely because according to the info I had seen the pipe which carries the sewer was far too small so I left it
Once again props to concreteJungle for busting this one, it's obvious since looking at it that someone from the utilities needs a new tape measure

The upstream section of the sewer was huge, not something you would want to step foot in mind, rain or no rain!
It looks like the pikey's have tried to have a go in here too at some point
I spotted a mis-placed manhole and several bit's of integral metalwork had been pilfered or partially removed including one of the main ladders into the overflow weir,
as well as the huge grill protecting the outfall usually assigned to preventing solids from entering into the nearby watercourse

The outfall was breathing some dubious steamy fumage out over the river, nevertheless I decided to crack on...
Barely a 5ft concrete box provides the main overflow for the CSO beyond
The grill lies flat on the floor draped in jam rags, the first clue as to what to expect
Once inside it's soon clear why the metal thieves left this place alone
Despite the poor air quality, the place was a festering shit tip,
the metal grills bolted to the overflow (used to screen the solids) were barely visible due to the amount of toilet peripherals that had failed to escape previous flushings
Somewhere amongst the build up of shite was a ladder to a gantry above the spillway, allowing access to the sewer beyond
Also if you look close, the circular hole to the left of the far ladders is where the connecting rod for the penstock that serves the sewer overflow would have once lived,
seems the thieving cunts have had that away too!
Once up the first ladder I shone my torch down the other side to see whats what, all I could see was waste and no ladder, but alas it was there
^^ Pic looking up and across the other side, you can make out just about the downstream section of sewer beyond the railings and the penstock which is now jammed in it's closed position
Next up I had to limbo under the concrete spillway (as seen to the left of the above pic), this was pretty grim as the floor was caked in the remains of the last flushing
It's times like these when you really appreciate a pair of gloves
Here can be seen the main trunk sewer/storm overflow chamber which was quite sizable, also the noise in here was immense
The sewer enters the CSO through a 7ft RCP
Drops a good 2ft down a slide and through a 4ft gulley before exiting via two smaller 2ft pipes
which pass under the overflow weir, which I suspect connect with another larger RCP beyond
Note the penstock is also jammed down, preventing flow, possibly explaining why the the shit tank fills up more often than it should
It was fairly grim in here, so wasn't bothered to dick about with the usual lighting, instead settling for a quick couple of pics & GTFO
Grimtimes, shower and cold beer FTW