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Report - - Silverdale Master Post, Staffordshire - June 2021 | ROC Posts |

Report - Silverdale Master Post, Staffordshire - June 2021

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
There have been a number of reports on this site however none seemed to be very recent and since the site is in close proximity to myself, I decided to check it out and provide an update for anyone who was interested.
Quick facts:
- Opened in 1962 and closed in 1991
- Torched in August 2018 and hatch ripped off
- Original Dexion shelving seems to be remaining. Possibly original chairs too (or what is left of them)
- As you can see, it's easily accessible...


The hatch had long been disposed of and could be found under the brambles, with the lock still attached.


Several large winged insects could be seen flying in and out of the hole. Looking down I could see an abundance of litter and figured that it could well be crawling with all sorts of creatures who were attracted to the empty cans of Special Brew and other high quality beverages enjoyed by the local youths.


As expected from the other reports, the place is place is as black as my morning coffee and smells as burnt as my morning toast.








It was still an enjoyable way to spend 10mins but as you can see, there's not much going for the site anymore. Very sad to see the state that it's in.

Apologies for the picture quality - these were taken on my phone and I am a lousy photographer.
Constructive criticism is appreciated as this is my first report.​
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