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Report - - Slaley ROC post visit - 14/11/2013 | ROC Posts |

Report - Slaley ROC post visit - 14/11/2013

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
After seeing the posts on here were both archived and from a few years back I decided to go and have a look. I only live a few miles away so it would be rude not to. It was easy enough to find following the instructions on the subbrit website. I had read reports of people getting hassle from residents/landowners but today's visit went unhindered.

The view walking up from the Church

The unlocked hatch, in pretty good condition for something so close to a village. A word of warning, if you ain't researched this post the counterweight has snapped off which essentially adds another few kilo to the weight of the hatch. Take care or you could lose them fingers, also you'll need something to prop open the hatch cos it'll most likely close on you. The materials are close by, just need to look for them...

First look inside my first visit to an ROC post, was pretty impressed after seeing the state of some of them on here and subbrit

It did have some clutter about, old documents from when the post was still in operation

A shameless plug for future Urbexers?

I only came here to check it was still in such good condition, I cleaned it up a wee bit before heading off

Oh, lets not forget the obligatory toilet shot

Pleased to announce that this is still an awesome post. Its not locked but damn hard to get in to. I did a solo visit so that could be why I struggled.

Thanks for looking

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