English Industrial Sites - Sleaford 'Bass' Maltings
The place is absolutely huge! But whoever from the Council had done a pretty damn good job of block or locking most of the doors to parts of the site. We managed to get into a few main area's and get on the roof which had stunning views though. The spiral staircase was a definite highlight aswel, and we even managed to set off a bit of motion sparks to lighten the place up a bit!
Watch out for pigeon crap however... it. is. EVERYWHERE.
English Industrial Sites - Sleaford 'Bass' Maltings
The place is absolutely huge! But whoever from the Council had done a pretty damn good job of block or locking most of the doors to parts of the site. We managed to get into a few main area's and get on the roof which had stunning views though. The spiral staircase was a definite highlight aswel, and we even managed to set off a bit of motion sparks to lighten the place up a bit!
Watch out for pigeon crap however... it. is. EVERYWHERE.