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Report - - Sleeping in the Abandoned Hemsby Pontins (May 2019) | Leisure Sites | Page 2 |

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Yeah they have there 'goontube' section abit unfair named imo as slightly disrespectful how others voice this hobby but again that why I frequent this site when needed and wall away when it gets petty, but yes there is a separate place for it, as for sounds we all have vivid imaginations many times I've been creeping round a fresh site and thinking I hear sounds its normally the wind or an open window flapping haha


28DL Member
28DL Member
I've always thought this site would make a cool airsoft location, though I'm not sure how the locals would take to that haha. What were the blokes flying the drone(s) up to? Just exploring like you guys?


Amateur and proud
28DL Full Member
Purchased by a developer in April of this year. Now has 24hr security and some demo of the most fire damaged sections has begun.

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