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Report - - Snowdown Colliery - Kent - September 2019 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Snowdown Colliery - Kent - September 2019

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28DL Full Member
This was one are first explores of the day and we got to the colliery at about 6:30/7 in the morning with no one in site ( everyone kept saying there always security but this day we though we got lucky - I’ll get to that but in a min )

We start are way around all the buildings going in and out of them also doing some climbing into the buildings too oh the climb into some off them never again but was so worth it

I was amazed by some the natural decay and how clean some the building was off the colliery .

As we finishing up are explore going to the last building the security rocks up !

We spent a good 20/30 mins talking to him turns out he a little bit late ( woop) he even took us over to the mine entrance before letting us out the main entrance ! He explained how dog Walker walk there dog on there all the time too !

History :

It has been little more than 30 years since the last coal mine in Kent closed for good.But before then, mining was a significant industry in the county for a century. Its first shaft hit water at 260 ft and flooded - a problem many Kent coal shafts encountered in the early 20th century. Sadly 22 men drowned in the disaster. But in the following years there were fewer sinking issues and Snowdown became the first commercial pit in Kent in 1912.Around 800 tonnes of coal could be mined a week as a result











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