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Report - - south atlantic building, Birkenhead 2019 | High Stuff |

Report - south atlantic building, Birkenhead 2019

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grey since Nov 6, 2018
28DL Full Member
The South Atlantic Building, Vittoria Dock Complex, Birkenhead was Built: by W.H. Boase & Company Ltd about 1960 so not very old by all accounts its purpose was to be the Wharfingers office for the Blue Funnel line and it remained so until Blue Funnel left in about 1970 when it was taken over by in 1998 by the Royal Marine Reserves, Merseyside and Royal Marine Commando's Liverpool Detachment who eventually left for a newer base in Liverpool.

a late night wander to the roof of the south atlantic building for some amazing shots of liverpool and the surrounding area.
didn't manage to get many lit pics as most items of interest or value have been taken or vandalised plus frequent patrols.











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Flaxenation of the G!!!
Regular User
you really need to invest in a cheap tripod for night or low light photography or as you have witnessed from all the photos above they just become a blurred mess and aren't clear at all. Pop your camera on a tripod and fire off a longer exposure to allow more light and a much better photo. nice little write up though and well done for getting out and getting stuff done.


A fellow of infinite jest
28DL Full Member
That's quite an improvement. Did you get the remote and the app too?


grey since Nov 6, 2018
28DL Full Member
Why do you keep doing this at night?

I'd be interested to know if the clock bits from the hydraulic tower are still there.
clock bits are long gone.. id only say try going during the day.. security has ramped up and they now have quick reaction security on site.. id happily do a daytime explore with someone if anyone would join me ?

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