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Report - - Southbank Coke Ovens, June 2016 | Industrial Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Southbank Coke Ovens, June 2016

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Here's one from the early sixties. The battery of South Bank coke ovens was built in the early fifties to the west of where they are now.. The latest ones were built in 1971. Their location is marked on the map as "Coke Stocks". The OHP is just to the right (east) of the Ore Grading
Awesome! It's incredible looking back - I'd have loved to have seen it back then.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Fantastic report of my favorite places, I'm originally From south Bank and have moved back last December after being away for nearly 10 years. I am looking at getting into the South Bank CO site and carry out an updated report with updated photos as I noticed today demolition preparation work is being carried out on the Ammonia Washers at SBCO, I took some pics with my tele zoom lens to Investigate. Being new to this, would like a sidekick if anyone local has a few hours spare one weekend before the demolition is completed. Pics below





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Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Cheers for the update. I'm a million miles away but if you want some advice you may find it easier to do with people on site. The place had a fair few alarms with cameras but don a high-viz and they might just think your a worker.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Yes it is a tricky one it was far easier when it was a live site in use there is also an electric fence too. Amazingly as i am writing this a breaking news story on local television of a serious explosion at the gas scrubbers sounds like it may have something to do with the demolition contractors, keep watching this space.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Yes it is a tricky one it was far easier when it was a live site in use there is also an electric fence too. Amazingly as i am writing this a breaking news story on local television of a serious explosion at the gas scrubbers sounds like it may have something to do with the demolition contractors, keep watching this space.
I was there today to witness the incident, I have plenty of photos and videos of the incident, including the second explosion that occurred which is being used by Teesslive. Im going to do a short report of the incident on here. Those photos where on yesterday above of those contractors!!


subterranean explorer
Regular User
Ssi has alot of memories for me some epic & some bad, (being ill for 2 months with coal dust)
might head across to see the current situation.
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subterranean explorer
Regular User
possibly coal gas trapped in the pipes & machinery been ignited during demo,
but unlikly as it's been closed for 4yrs & 1 month.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
thats crazy, are they demoing that whole part off the site or just the ammonia tanks
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Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Just the ammonia plant as it was unsafe and collapsing as far as I can tell.

The Amateur Wanderer

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Not sure how true it is, but a friend in the Teeside Heritage Group was telling me a couple of years ago that there are plans in place to save at the very least the Dorman Long insignia west coke charging tower, hopefully they'll go through with it.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Need people to scale the south bank coke ovens for one last photographic documentary event before it is demolished into history next year. Please inbox me if interested, I need as many people as possible. This is a final event that will never happen again!


[email protected]

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