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Report - - Spen Excelsior Social Club High Spen Gateshead June 2020 | Leisure Sites |

Report - Spen Excelsior Social Club High Spen Gateshead June 2020

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Undiscovered locations in the UK
28DL Full Member
Never heard of this place till I found it on a my daily Google Earth check.
It wasn't the most exciting of places to explore, the club was an absolute deathtrap and looks like it's just been left to the elements.
I'm not surprised its in this condition considering access wasnt exactly difficult.
A few things remain like the old pool table and organs.
The tiles had been took of the roof by people claiming to be builder's, the elements are in full force now because of the exposed roof. This place is beyond repair now.
Not all explores turn out amazing, but I'm nosey and wanted to have a look.

The club closed in 2014 and has been sold to be demolished I was told.
One of the past owners is in prison I heard because of tax evasion, this is only from the locals I spoke to though, so not sure what the history is.



















Thanks for looking.


( . Y . )
Regular User
Might not be amazing but it’s something new, and that’s what exploring is about (for me at least). Besides, there’s a few okay features remaining there - keep it up!


Undiscovered locations in the UK
28DL Full Member
Might not be amazing but it’s something new, and that’s what exploring is about (for me at least). Besides, there’s a few okay features remaining there - keep it up!
Honestly I'd explore a shed mate haha, just never what's hidden away till you look.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
An explore is an explore. We do it because we can. I`m so nosey, I would of taken a peak too. There are some remnants there of its former use. From the outside you would think its in pretty good nick. The lengths people go to, to take lead & tiles is never a surprise anymore. Ballsy;)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Looked at this place recently and thought probably worth a look now having seen your report might not bother now. Still your right you have to check these places out as you never know. Thanks for the effort good report.


Undiscovered locations in the UK
28DL Full Member
Looked at this place recently and thought probably worth a look now having seen your report might not bother now. Still your right you have to check these places out as you never know. Thanks for the effort good report.
Cheers mate, it's a deathtrap and only the organ and the pool table were worth it.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Cheers mate, it's a deathtrap and only the organ and the pool table were worth it.
Had a wander over there today and it is now sealed up again i did have a quick look through the window and it looked like what you say a death trap fortunately i dont live too far away so not really a wasted journey.

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