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Report - - Springside paper mill, Belmont, Apr 2023 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Springside paper mill, Belmont, Apr 2023

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
I was in Chorley having a seat post extracted (not as painful as it sounds) so had a few hours to kill.
Having seen reports on this place over the years I thought I'd check it out.
I didn't get around all of the buildings as security were out and about and I was on a deadline.
The place has alot to see and photos don't do the place justice. The decay is very advanced but some interesting equipment remains.
I followed the stream down towards the site, which was a nice walk through the woods past small reservoirs, weirs and pipework that led to the effluent pond where the explore started.

The history

A goit which wends its way from the Ornamental Reservoir around the hillside, following the contours, leads to yet another small reservoir or lodge which supplies Springside Paper Mill, where paper has been made continuously since 1834 to the present day. Other reservoirs near the mill are supplied by Three Nooked Shaw Brook, which rushes down from Smithills Moor in a series of waterfalls and weirs. One day's water consumption at this mill is said to be in the region of 1.5 million gallons.

The original mill belonged to John Livesey who had previously run paper mills at Prestolee and Springfield in the Haulgh. Following a row with his partner at the Haulgh he moved to Belmont and started a new business. At this time rags and textiles were recycled to make paper; wood pulp was not used in papermaking until about 1910. Livesey's enterprise did not prosper, and he closed it down in 1839.

It was bought by William Spencer, of Belmont bleachworks. He took as his partner his wife's cousin Charles Turner. The mill remained in the Spencer family until 1972, it was then owned by Courtaulds until 1984. It became the subject of a management buy-out, and was later taken over by other large companies. It still retains Charles Turner's name, and now produces paper tissue.

In 1854 lightning did considerable damage, and in 1860 the firm suffered a major fire. The Bolton Chronicle reported that:

‘On Sunday morning about 2 o'clock the watchman on duty at the works of Messrs Turner and Spencer, Belmont, discovered that a fire was raging in the Store Room. He gave an alarm and the workpeople made every effort to subdue the flames but without avail. The building was two storeys high and the upper room being filled with cotton waste the fire raged with uncontrolled fury until the roof fell in, which was about an hour after it broke out. The fire is supposed to have originated from spontaneous combustion. The damage is estimated at £1,000 which is fully covered by insurance in the Sun Fire Office.’ Some of the workers lived in cottages specially built for them at Springside. Others lived farther afield - in the late 1860s Aaron Rothwell and his crippled daughter Kitty used to walk from their home on Cox Green Road across the valley to Springside where Aaron was a paper maker and Kitty was a rag sorter.
In December 1867 Bolton Chronicle described a ‘Singular Fatality at a Paper Mill’

‘About 1 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon James Ward a labourer employed at Messrs Turner and Spencer's Springside Paper Works, Belmont, was filling a "beck" with rags to be bleached, and he got into it to trample the rags down; he had a sack tied round his shoulders at the time and one corner being blown by a sudden gust of wind it was caught by a horizontal shaft which was making 35 revolutions a minute. The unfortunate man was dragged against a beam with such force as to break his right arm and left leg; in addition he received some severe bruising upon his head. He died about 2 hours afterward. Deceased was 45 years of age, married and had 4 children.’ In 1986 Turner's were accused by local councillors of polluting the brook with red and blue dye, thereby spoiling the amenity of one of the towns most picturesque areas. North West Water stated that although the coloration was aesthetically objectionable, it had little impact from a pollution aspect. Some six months later the situation had been improved and the amount of dye discharged reduced by a third.

Even up to the present time fire is a real hazard in a paper mill. In February 1994 a massive blaze destroyed a warehouse which contained 200 tons of paper tissue and cotton. Thirty firemen from Bolton and Bury attended and managed to prevent the fire from spreading further
































28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Last time I was there they were just starting on the development. Don’t seem to have made much progress from your pics?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Last time I was there they were just starting on the development. Don’t seem to have made much progress from your pics?

Just had a walk around the outside of the site this morning, can confirm that nothing seems to be going on. I have yet to see the supply or treatment (?) pond in these excellently shot photos, but think I have seen what could be the remnants of the treatment works. There is also some pipework past the green boundary fence and unsure if it is (was?) for abstraction from the adjacent brook, or pumping treated effluent into said brook. Seems all a bit of a waste really, as nothing seems to be happening, and the areas they are not permitted to develop beyond the green pallisade fencing (which is no longer fit for purpose, lots of gaps and sections in need of repair) are becoming boggy and must be terribly polluted in parts. Happy to discuss this site further via PM, cheers P.B.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Just had a walk around the outside of the site this morning, can confirm that nothing seems to be going on. I have yet to see the supply or treatment (?) pond in these excellently shot photos, but think I have seen what could be the remnants of the treatment works. There is also some pipework past the green boundary fence and unsure if it is (was?) for abstraction from the adjacent brook, or pumping treated effluent into said brook. Seems all a bit of a waste really, as nothing seems to be happening, and the areas they are not permitted to develop beyond the green pallisade fencing (which is no longer fit for purpose, lots of gaps and sections in need of repair) are becoming boggy and must be terribly polluted in parts. Happy to discuss this site further via PM, cheers P.B.
If you follow those pipes away from the works you will find a reservoir fed from the brook. There were a few muntjac deer up there that, I don't know who startled who the most. Following the pipes towards the works and it meets a smaller reservoir with some level switches and sluice gates.
The effluent plant at the bottom was swampy back then so I'd imagine it's way worse this time of year.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Interesting, will have to go back again to look at these pipes! I have seen deer round there before as well. The effluent plant am not sure of the exact location, is it that pond in your pictures that looks full of leachate? So many questions about this place, and a damned shame it is being left the way it is. The place was none too safe when it was open and areas were off limits to workers apparently, perhaps things like deep pits and chemical storage areas and so on. The pipe I am on about runs down to Eagley Brook and there is the remains of a gantry (?) or some type of windmill, all the electric wires are disconnected, thinking it served the mill a long time ago. happy to pm, cheers and beers on!!!!

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