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Report - - SSI and the Death of Teesside Steel - The Final Cut! | Noteworthy Reports | Page 4 |

Report - SSI and the Death of Teesside Steel - The Final Cut!

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28DL Member
28DL Member
amazing series of pictures. The Dorman Long silo building is so iconic, it will be a shame it see it go. A pity that it cant be kept and repurposed.


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
Truly amazing stuff, and excellent shots. That coking tower and battery reminds me of Cwm coke works, funnily just editing my pics of that

Exploring with Andy

Behind Closed Doors
Staff member
Just revisiting this and having a proper read through again. I think when originally posted, for those of us who had it fresh in our mind it was a case of, "of yeah that's pretty much it", but reading it back again now I can appreciate, a: just how much of an excellent account of the place this report is, and b: how stunning the place actually was to visit. Your sentiments in the very first paragraph regarding the scale of the place and wonderment as to how they could even build such a place, numerous years on, is most certainly my takeaway thought from this. A rare treat for urban explorers nowadays unfortunately, and it will most certainly be all the more saddening when the remaining few inevitably close.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
I was late to the party here... I owe speed a debt as he made multiple trips up with me during demolition and I actually got to see a fair bit... it got MUCH harder as time went by as those who tried know.

Tbf we did have some fun over that summer though! Hard to believe it's all virtually gone now!


subterranean explorer
Regular User
South Bank coke ovens & steel works (BOS) all gone now, nothing remaining
very sad seeing empty land knowing wha was once there.
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Having been born and bred in this area ive had a lifelong interest and love affair for the works seeing and exploring so much of it over the years its difficult to believe that very little now remains i,m just glad i saw what i saw and was able to record some of it. As they say though nothing lasts forever but the images thankfully remain in the memory.


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Yeh, needs an update really. We spent as much time here during the demolition phase as I did when it first closed. Probably more! Saw quite a few bits we missed the first time round although a few bits totally eluded us (mainly due to fucking covid!) Cirtinaly alot more time spent hiding from Toyota hiluxs but they still never caught us!

Don't forget the rolling mills too. They look 50s epic on a stick.


g00n Buster
Staff member
Yeh, needs an update really. We spent as much time here during the demolition phase as I did when it first closed. Probably more! Saw quite a few bits we missed the first time round although a few bits totally eluded us (mainly due to fucking covid!) Cirtinaly alot more time spent hiding from Toyota hiluxs but they still never caught us!

Don't forget the rolling mills too. They look 50s epic on a stick.

Them bloody Hilux’s!, just listened to the podcast. We had a similar situation on the BF. No exageration there had to have been about 10 of them circling us at the bottom. How we got down and then just walked out I’ll never know. I just wish I didn’t let it out me off for a return.

What Andy said though, some report this. Regularly come back to it and show people how epic it was up there.

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