Apologies for the size of pics but were they were resized before I found this site. . . The original building and more importantly the land that it sits on has a very rich and interesting history, it closed down as a school for "Difficult" children at the end of the Summer Term of 2005. I found it sad wandering around the corridors and classrooms viewing the artwork created by long forgotten problem students and more recently the grown up adult artists. Explored with wander1er.
The site of the former St Anne’s School forms part of what was originally a 30-acre tract of land called The Hides, sloping down from the ridge carrying Western Road to the course of the Winterbourne Stream. Until the 17th century, it was dominated by a windmill called the Inkersoll’s mill, It was in this mill, now called Snelling’s Mill, that on 14 May 1264, in the closing stages of the Battle of Lewes, Henry the third’s brother Richard, king of the Romans, was found hiding in an unsuccessful attempt to evade capture by the Simon de Montfort’s troops.
Thanks For Peeping
The site of the former St Anne’s School forms part of what was originally a 30-acre tract of land called The Hides, sloping down from the ridge carrying Western Road to the course of the Winterbourne Stream. Until the 17th century, it was dominated by a windmill called the Inkersoll’s mill, It was in this mill, now called Snelling’s Mill, that on 14 May 1264, in the closing stages of the Battle of Lewes, Henry the third’s brother Richard, king of the Romans, was found hiding in an unsuccessful attempt to evade capture by the Simon de Montfort’s troops.
Thanks For Peeping