Our little journey from hastings up the A28 didnt really go to plan today
We set out from hastings for the trip up to margate to try and see the lido, of course should of known there was no way in!!! well there was if i was maybe 5st smaller lol.
So that on the fail list we drove back through westgate to have a go at the nursing home there once again no go ( we didnt really try though) so off we went to st augustines down the a28.
Was a good little explore, pity we didnt have more time but we were on a tight schedule tbh, we had already done sarre hq earlier in the day. This was a good end.
Point and click photos as usual.....
a brief history.....
St Augustine’s Hospital (1875–1993) was a psychiatric hospital in Chartham, Kent. It was founded as the second, or East, Kent County Asylum in 1872. In 1948 the hospital became part of the National Health Service and was renamed St Augustine's Hospital. The hospital gained notoriety in the 1970s when it was the subject of a committee of inquiry into malpractice and mismanagement. St Augustine's Hospital closed in 1993 and the site is now occupied by housing, although a few of the original hospital buildings remain.
We set out from hastings for the trip up to margate to try and see the lido, of course should of known there was no way in!!! well there was if i was maybe 5st smaller lol.
So that on the fail list we drove back through westgate to have a go at the nursing home there once again no go ( we didnt really try though) so off we went to st augustines down the a28.
Was a good little explore, pity we didnt have more time but we were on a tight schedule tbh, we had already done sarre hq earlier in the day. This was a good end.
Point and click photos as usual.....
a brief history.....
St Augustine’s Hospital (1875–1993) was a psychiatric hospital in Chartham, Kent. It was founded as the second, or East, Kent County Asylum in 1872. In 1948 the hospital became part of the National Health Service and was renamed St Augustine's Hospital. The hospital gained notoriety in the 1970s when it was the subject of a committee of inquiry into malpractice and mismanagement. St Augustine's Hospital closed in 1993 and the site is now occupied by housing, although a few of the original hospital buildings remain.