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Report - - St Johns Asylum, Lincolnshire - Mar 2020 | Asylums and Hospitals | Page 3 |

Report - St Johns Asylum, Lincolnshire - Mar 2020

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Visted here today had to leave eafly due to security finding us

Visted here today its no longer like your pics its been ripped back to brick and alot of rooms had rotten away an ceilings were gone we couldmt explore the whole ofit as had to leave early security found us lol took a few pics ud like to see

Oh you got found? Did they have the dogs?
I'm surprised we got over a fence, ran around the building, past security car and were there 3hrs. We then got out without being seen... crazy!
There is still a lot to see but it is deteriorating


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This aspect in itself can be really intriguing - one person tries to access a site one day and is thwarted by security/random neighbours and/or barricades etc, and then the very next day someone else easily has the run of the whole site without any issues. So many variables present with each trip, at least 54,529 of them. That's numberwang!
Also, I notice that someone will be adamant that a whole structure or part of a site has been demolished or disappeared and then someone else is just as adamant that it's still there. Often happens with whole sites, too.
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I know this place has been done a lot but a hospital has been on my list for ages so we headed over yesterday for a look around.Just a quick condensed report for those who dont know about it....

Opened in 1852, at its height the asylum had 944 bed and spanned 160 acres. There were male, female and children's wings and patients were known to have been treated for mental illness by way of shock treatment and brain surgery. The hospital had its own burial site and human remains were found while the site was being excavated.
The hospital closed as St Johns Hospital in 1989.
A lot of the site has been developed in to housing, unfortunately there was once a large water tower which was recently demolished, the remaining buildings are all Grade II listed.
This place is absolutely huge and made for a very interesting explore!
The access was rather fun squeezing through tunnels, there are also a lot of VERY soft floors so anyone visiting needs to be careful!
i took about 300 photos in total, we were there all afternoon but have picked a few favourites to share...










No more water tower :-(













I'm from scunthorpe Lincolnshire would love to link up and explore this place any body want to do it with me


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
If I go back that way I will give you a shout
Thank you im yet to get my first place so would be good

So, depending on the local lockdown situations and Lincolnshire's tier status (which is currently 3) any plans on your potential trip? I'd also be up for revisiting and tagging along if that's not being too forward? No probs if that's one too many randos on a trip though :p I will also be having a second trip to Rauceby (both sites) as the deluge of rain gave my camera and I a proper soaking last time I was there and we still haven't fully dried out, incase that's of interest to anyone at some point. I'd like to have a look at the restored pavilions and landscaping too as I read a cracking article about the landscaping of Rauceby and it really helped to give context to what I was seeing, along with the archive photos from the Virtual Rauceby website.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
So, depending on the local lockdown situations and Lincolnshire's tier status (which is currently 3) any plans on your potential trip? I'd also be up for revisiting and tagging along if that's not being too forward? No probs if that's one too many randos on a trip though :p I will also be having a second trip to Rauceby (both sites) as the deluge of rain gave my camera and I a proper soaking last time I was there and we still haven't fully dried out, incase that's of interest to anyone at some point. I'd like to have a look at the restored pavilions and landscaping too as I read a cracking article about the landscaping of Rauceby and it really helped to give context to what I was seeing, along with the archive photos from the Virtual Rauceby website.
Hi yes I still haven't managed to get out yet but I'm willing to go to with you where abouts are you located maby get a trip in order mate?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Wonderful place! Been there yesterday and was lucky enough not to be caught by security or anybody else. Took me good 45 minutes though to find an entrance lol My first exploration, the bar is really high for the next ones. As vw_golf_nutter mentioned - careful while walking around. Floors are bit dodgy on the 1st floor. Good luck! :)

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