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Report - - St Joseph's Orphanage, Preston, Lancashire - April 2014 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - St Joseph's Orphanage, Preston, Lancashire - April 2014

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
St Joseph's Orphanage, Preston, Lancs
Alright guys its JB
Ive just had a quick look through the other posts of this beautiful place and some of the other lads have done a really good job of documenting st Josephs so sorry if im repeating what they said...

St. Joseph’s Orphanage was built and partially endowed by a local Catholic lady – the lake Mrs. Maria Holland – in 1872.
The Orphanage itself was exclusively for Roman Catholic Orphan Girls and was looked after by Nuns.
Mr.R.W.Hughes, formerly of Preston, was the architect of the building and since its opening there have been extensions, the cost of which has been provided by Catholics.
Joined to the eastern side of the Orphanage stands “St Joseph’s Institute for the Sick Poor.â€￾ This building, which has its front in Mount-street, was erected out of funds left in the last will and testament of Mrs. Holland – the lady who erected the Orphanage; and it was opened in 1877.

*Mount Street Hospital received its first operating theatre in 1910
*In World War 1 it housed wounded British and Belgian soliders
*A new wing was added to the Hospital in 1933
*In World War 2 it was used to care for Dutch and Belgian sailors
*Another new wing was opened in 1958 by Princess Marina the Duchess of Kent
*The nuns who ran the orphanage were originally Dutch and called the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady Mother of Mercy

This is my first proper post on here so hopefully you'll all appreciate it. I'm relatively new to Urbex too but i can tell you i have a pretty awesome Gopro video of this location. Ill post when its edited.

Any tips / Criticism welcome.










If you get chance fly down. Its a good explore ;)



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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Re: St Joseph's Orphenage - April 2014

Great report, to be fair the standard of your pictures is really good, I wouldn't mind seeing more!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Re: St Joseph's Orphenage - April 2014

As Dweeb says, there is a good selection of pics here, looks like the weather was perfect too.

You need to add some history to the report though :thumb

Indecisive Moment

Re: St Joseph's Orphenage - April 2014

The lovely daylight coming in makes this place look rather nice. Well done on a really good first report :)


Love it!
28DL Full Member
Re: St Joseph's Orphenage - April 2014

I really enjoyed this place when I went and I think a revisit is in order . . . .


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Re: St Joseph's Orphenage - April 2014

Thanks for all the nice comments guys! Really surprised as Ive only had my DSLR for a week! Really good community feeling on here!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Re: St Joseph's Orphenage - April 2014

thats a belter of a first report tbh

Could you pop a location in the title though please? :thumb


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Re: St Joseph's Orphenage, Preston, Lancashire - April 2014

Cracking report! can't wait to eventually get myself down here.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Re: St Joseph's Orphenage, Preston, Lancashire - April 2014

First rate report...

The Lone Shadow

Industrial Fanatic!
28DL Full Member
Wicked report! Very high standard there.
Looks like that last room is especially good as there is a lack of gravity.



28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Fair play there mate. Looks like you saw some bits we missed as well!

Thanks Idle Hands. I actually gave you credit for doing such a good job in your last report before i edited this one with all of the information.


Staff member
Decent pics these, nicely done, and like others have said look forward to seeing more stuff :thumb

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