Hello to who ever reading,my god memories fly by so fast,see all D's photos as brought back so meny memories,shame you didn't get into the unit for the disabled ppl,can see the doors my god they had the best leaving ever party I was one who in the last year 11 when this school got close down,I didn't what to learn much cause I was selfish,so meny good teachers and support workers this school wasn't perfect much but lots funny times in this school I miss so much and it's all gone.only memories,I still remember my first day I thought I was a bad ass walking outta school at the end of the day and this strange man stop me complaining about my tie,I told him fkoff it's end of school no one can tell me what to do. I didn't realise because it's my first day it, was the main head teacher he just said do you no who you talking two and I just look at him telling me off I can ex spell you! On my first day lmao 😂 I apologised walked away thinking nob head.even no this school was destroyed before the workers could get there hands on it I just thought I say wasn't all bad and wished u could go back and do better with my life tried harder life not bad I got perfect family and beautiful children but do see anyone anymore from school it's like school gone and everyone you no disappeared got life's forgotten about,anyone who went st Mickey's I wish you all happiness,RIP TRENT I never forget you bro,hold it down peep's