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Report - - St Pauls Cathedral Viewpoint, London - August 2022 | High Stuff |

Report - St Pauls Cathedral Viewpoint, London - August 2022

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Hey everyone,
First report here,

We were a photograph groups based in London and we wanted to get some sick shots of St Pauls,
After looking at google maps and google earth for a while we saw a roof top in the street in front of st paul's that were doable,
We went up inside the hotel and went behind a private door to reach the roof,
Be careful which side you go up, one side has a tunnel with some vents and is a dead end, i experimented it my self.

On top you have a view like this :

Here a a few shots of the night :



Please note that some staff can be smoking in front of one of the 2 doors so be careful and do not make noise !

First post so let me know how can i improve it.
Cheers and keep rooftoping !
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