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Report - - St Peters Shelter -Kettering - Apr 24 | Underground Sites |

Report - St Peters Shelter -Kettering - Apr 24

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Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
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St Peters Shelter


Every town has rumours of underground stuff that people "remember when they are kids" but most the time they turn out to be just that, rumours!
Rarely does something appear out the woodwork that the majority of locals dont know about such is the case here!


Only last week this appeared on the news & local fb groups, being just a few miles away would of been rude not to have a look.

If you saw the first pic & thought "the grove, Watford" you are not alone, when I first saw it I thought it was a false copy & paste of that but this entrance design was popular particularly with railway property.
Not a lot is known about this so cant add anything to the news report above, it is good that the school are considering restoring it though.
I did wonder if posting will give the school undue hassle but they have been daft enough to put it out there themselves so am not too bothered.


TBH its pretty boring, just consisting of one long tunnel with a stagger in the middle, the stagger containing toilet cubicles & a adit each end.
Its a fraction of the size of the aforementioned Grove but does have considerably less graff.


Of course some locals did know about it, former pupils of the school are saying on the fb group they went in, but then a lot of people who went to the school knew nothing about it.
The only real interesting thing down there is this childs pram.







Thats as exciting as it gets, thanks for looking



Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
Great, I saw this crop up in the news when the school came across it (or however it was) and was wondering if someone would check it out

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
I wonder when that pram was put there
dunno, its a toy one but is made of metal, its pretty fragile though so possible it dates to the war but more likely some kids threw it down there later on
Great, I saw this crop up in the news when the school came across it (or however it was) and was wondering if someone would check it out
thanks yh its really local to me so didnt take much figuring out how to do it.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Nice looking entrance that. I remember we had air raid shelters at our primary school, they ran alongside the playground, boy did we get in trouble if caught in them lol.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
It’s definitely a smaller mirror image of the grove. Wonder if they had the same designer and builder doing them. Nice job getting it done though.

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