Not posted on here in a long while, so lets kick it off again. Recently I paid a visit to St Twynnells ROTOR bunker in West Wales. This was done under the cloak and dagger of darkness to avoid the demon farmer that owns the land the bunker sits on. I won't go into the history as I think its safe to say that the ROTOR project is known in the UE circles, so on with the pictures.
Overview of the site. Almost centre is the ROTOR itself (white roof looking building) with the guardhouse being at the top part of the same field. Buildings that straddle the blockhouse are the Main engine house left and emergency engine house on the right (L-R as from above)
Being a western ROTOR you enter these through climbing a flight of stairs, and through the recessed blast doors you are on the upper level-
These were in the GPO power room. The floor has quarry tiles to combat leakage from the batteries that would gave been stored in here. -
For all you peeling paint fans -
Oldy worldy breakers -
Lower floor corridor -
Air con blower -
The best part IMO - The obs room
And finally climbing the stairs back out
Overview of the site. Almost centre is the ROTOR itself (white roof looking building) with the guardhouse being at the top part of the same field. Buildings that straddle the blockhouse are the Main engine house left and emergency engine house on the right (L-R as from above)
Being a western ROTOR you enter these through climbing a flight of stairs, and through the recessed blast doors you are on the upper level-
These were in the GPO power room. The floor has quarry tiles to combat leakage from the batteries that would gave been stored in here. -
For all you peeling paint fans -
Oldy worldy breakers -
Lower floor corridor -
Air con blower -
The best part IMO - The obs room
And finally climbing the stairs back out