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Report - - Stadium way , Huddersfield , June 2022 | UK Draining Forum |

Report - Stadium way , Huddersfield , June 2022

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
After doing the culvert Chiropractor i began looking for the outflow of it in to the river Colne . Looking on maps i thought i had found a couple of candidates and set of to have a nosy ,that was a few months back and i was on the trolley cart returning again today better prepared on a kids mountain bike i set of to try and conquer it the drain is only about 1200mm in diameter and that made it hard to transverse ,The outlet is dead easy to find just across from huddersfield stadium the water starts of shallow but around the mouth of the outlet its waist deep , opting for shorts and trainers as i knew what a slog this was going to be getting a bit wet was the least of my worries

after wading through and throwing the bike up in to the entrance i got kitted up just inside ,

once inside the floor rose up in height and almost straight away became 1200mm brick pipe

this would be a familiar view for the next hour ! i was lent over the handlebars of the bike there wasnt enough room to pedal but i was able to push it along with my feet progress was a lot easier than walking and i had no pressure on my back , I would be lying if i said it was comfy with the saddle in its lowest position it was a mild form of torture

looking back to the start just before the first manhole ( i went past 13 manholes hopefully that will give you an idea how long it was )

after a couple of man holes the pipe turned to steel or cast iron this only went on for a short while and had a few bends in it . wondering about it now im thinking if this section went under the canal ?

picture of the bike had to keep resting in the manholes and straightening my legs , last time i came on the trolley cart i could hear gushing water very faintly in the distance and its been bugging me ever since wondering if this was the other side of the sump under the canal on arriving at the 13th manhole ( yes it was unlucky ) the pipe diameter dropped to less than 4 feet meaning i couldnt carry on as there wasnt enough room to get through on the bike , There was a small RCP on the left going uphill at a rather steep angle

the noise was deafening ahead so had a crawl up on all fours

live sewer that was the source of the noise ,view back out only about 30 inches tall this pipe

next pic from my first attempt on the trolley cart

you can see once past the entrance the pipe was wet and very slippery . Oh well that was a bit of a disappointment i think after all the effort im wrong its not the out fall of the Chiropractor and the steel pipes went under the canal section why else would they put cast iron in that area also the sheer length of it when you look on maps above ground i should have encountered the other side of the sump and lastly the flow in the pipe had reduced to a trickle where it should have remained constant back out and check out the next culvert down stream

old stone work and a trickle of rusty stagnant water this deffo wasnt the Chiropractor outflow

old stone work and rusty water maybe a mine overflow ?

corrugated plastic pipe looking back to the start ,next pic looking forward

poo room with man holes at each end a nice contrast of very old and modern next pic manhole behind the camera

last pic in front of the camera

well thats it safe to say i wont be coming back here in a hurry if thats not the ouflow for the chiropractor ( previous drain ) then where is it ? cheers everyone

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Lots of effort, still enjoyable images though. I think its a first for me hearing someone riding a bike along a pipe lol. Very inventive. The old stone work is cool, even if not what you were looking for.:thumb


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Lots of effort, still enjoyable images though. I think its a first for me hearing someone riding a bike along a pipe lol. Very inventive. The old stone work is cool, even if not what you were looking for.:thumb
:<3 aching today lol deffo dont recommend going down this one ! think only a lunatic would go riding a bike down a drain so im just waiting for the men in white coats to come and section me under the mental health act :)

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
:<3 aching today lol deffo dont recommend going down this one ! think only a lunatic would go riding a bike down a drain so im just waiting for the men in white coats to come and section me under the mental health act :)
I will check see if there is room on the unit pmsl ;)

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