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Information - stafford manson

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28DL Member
28DL Member
we have found a old house that has been left due to fire damage.the outside court yard is amazing with walk ways and ponds to relax by.
the house is in a pretty bad way but very intresting with owners bits are still around eg clothes,old electric chair,medication and also a locked safe that has not been opend.
we love to explore and was seeing if somebody please had any other places close to stafford that we could visit?
we are very respectful and leave places how we find them
thanks shani :)


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Utilise the very useful search function on this forum, rather than asking for handouts, which isn't how it works around here. This forum is an encyclopedia of abandoned locations.


28DL Member
28DL Member
i have used them and so far as a NEW MEMBER all i can see is post that date 2+years back.
not looking for "hand outs" i was looking for advice maybe even to meet others in out area and id also share our places with time but thank u so much for that comment...i hope everbody on here aint got something stuck some place like u have
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I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
You say you're not asking for handouts yet you ask very clearly in your post if anyone has any locations you can visit.

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