Stuart crystal near Stourbridge has been sealed tight for the past few years, with all the entrances breize-blocked tight.
However, British Waterways are working on the lock above the site and have half drained the canal making access somewhat easier.
The inside has been stripped in readiness for conversion to overpriced canal-side apartments. This has all fallen through though and the place stands empty.
It's hardly worth a trip to see it, but there's a few interesting bits and pieces and it passed the time this afternoon.
However, British Waterways are working on the lock above the site and have half drained the canal making access somewhat easier.

The inside has been stripped in readiness for conversion to overpriced canal-side apartments. This has all fallen through though and the place stands empty.
It's hardly worth a trip to see it, but there's a few interesting bits and pieces and it passed the time this afternoon.