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28DL and UE in the News Sub-forum moved to non-public

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Oxygen Thief

Staff member
Currently I'm wondering why certain people are running to the press to sell their stories, in a departure of the normal way of doing things. On one hand people are being slated, and then on the other hand we've got this thread, and our members doing it as well.

Just as a bit of damage limitation, this thread has been moved out of the public view.


Cave Monster
28DL Full Member
Re: Forum moved to non-public

Okay, NVM. Just checked the forum without logging in, it's the sub-forum.

EDIT: I meant I can't see it when not logged in
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Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Re: Forum moved to non-public

Fair enough but people should remeber theres a big difference between being approched by the media about stuff and activly whoring yourself out to them! Im only really aware of one man doing the latter?


28DL Full Member
I think we're all aware of one man doing the latter. A couple from Manchester were approached by Voice of America, and politely declined :)


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
The way i see it. If a paper comes to you and says they are running a story on somthing then you may aswell let them use your pics. If you decline they will either find others or just steal them anyway! (I know that from experiance!) Deliberatly going to the press with one explore after the other to massage your own ego is a different kettle of fish tho really.


Mr Boombastic
28DL Full Member
Yup - if the media know already then may as well make a few quid off them. That's different to going to the media with stuff they don't know, especially sensitive stuff.


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
The way i see it. If a paper comes to you and says they are running a story on somthing then you may aswell let them use your pics. If you decline they will either find others or just steal them anyway! (I know that from experiance!) Deliberatly going to the press with one explore after the other to massage your own ego is a different kettle of fish tho really.

Agreed, I had a paper want to use some of my Mitchell Grieves photos a couple of months back to illustrate an article about the history of the place so I was more than happy for them to be used as the journo was polite enough to ask....but whoring yourself out to the press sucks.


Massive Member
Regular User
I've had a few emails since the shard was all over the press.

a couple from journalists and a couple from "students" wanting help writing essays which I think are probably journalists just after a quick quote.

Way I see it is if they start offering me cash I'll think about it until then I'm ignoring them.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It depends what sort of stuff you do i guess. I personally would always avoid talking to the press about anything like this as most stories seem to end up with negative spins on them and always feels like it could be a can of worms. Id just rather not get involved and if you start jumping on something once its public for money then its a bit hypocritical.

The recent selfish behaviour thats been going on in my opinion though is just pretty tragic and shows no respect for the scene. That guy needs to head the fuck out.


Butt Wipe
28DL Full Member
I agree, personally I explore for the fun and adrenaline, if the media find me that's fine, however, me and forsaken where asked to go on tv news about the Lincolnshire cathedral, but we declined.

I think we all know who the attention seeker is.


....king of snake........
28DL Full Member
The way i see it. If a paper comes to you and says they are running a story on somthing then you may aswell let them use your pics. If you decline they will either find others or just steal them anyway! (I know that from experiance!)

AGREED! i learned this the hard way over the bury cranes pics and the bury times a few years back! there only going to take them anyway weather you give permission or not!

Deliberately going to the press with one explore after the other to massage your own ego is a different kettle of fish tho really.

but, there's been plenty do it in the past, I don't agree with it, but its something that's always going to happen i think :(

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